
Haven’t you a holocaust or at least an Auschwitz instead to attend Ben Goldsmith? Pity!

By Stanley Collymore
Absolute shame really Ben! As
you could’ve taken with you
your very odious Yiddish
Goldsmith familial namesake Kate
otherwise, openly better known as
Middleton! Truthfully, the only real
drips and dullards in this insulting
but rather idiotic story, apart from
privileged, self-entitled and rather
utterly useless cunts like yourself
are the Windsor family irrefutably
basically nonsensically, prancing
around in their quite stupid fancy
dress literally adorned with shiny
badges which they rather readily
and so vaingloriously bestow on
each other! Thankfully, however
more and more people are truly
seeing through Charles, and all
those around him; and crucially
no amount of scum bootlicking,
backside brownnosing and too
outright manifestly, nauseating
sycophancy, noxiously coming
quite odiously from the likes of
you Ben boy will alter that fact.
Foolishly and wrongly whoever
thought or said that the likes
of Auschwitz, Dachau and
Belsen Bergen for example, ought to
have never happened are absolutely
wrong in their quite flawed analysis
of them and also what significantly
they were precisely very effectively
and worthily, distinctively engaged
in praiseworthily trying to ethically
and so brilliantly, actually achieve!
Also simply being unquestionably
quite honest likewise, in this 21st
Century and self-evidently clearly
with odious verminous scum like
Ben Goldsmith still sadly around,
I’ll openly say the world generally
really needs a huge regeneration
crucially of irrefutably Auschwitz
type infrastructure very urgently!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
18 April 2023.

Author's Remarks:
This is an essentially a genuinely honest mea culpa by me on behalf of my own family members who most altruistically and quite courageously, but also rather sadly and dangerously for them all took part in the distinctly very hyperbolically and likewise also, clearly vaingloriously ascribed World War 2, when essentially it was nothing other than a murderous exposition of their own distinctly white barbarous and undeniably self-serving barbarity, arrogantly, quite malignantly and malevolently egregiously actually deliberately precipitated by the British, unsurprisingly in their calculated effort to permanently retain their genocidally acquired empire, and attendantly also their ruthless and ongoing exploitation of it, which obviously delusionally they thought the Third Reich was interested in when the Germans undoubtedly had no such interest at all. Contrary to that assumption the Germans predominant interest being effectively to thoroughly cleanse their stinking Augean Stables, which this intrusive, and unwarranted interference by Britain, it's empire and belatedly the USA actually interrupted the Germans from evidently admirably doing what they were really doing and rather stupidly dispersed that German and, basically additionally, a European problem also, globally and completely unnecessarily!

Dies ist ein im Wesentlichen ehrliches mea culpa von mir für meine eigenen Familienmitglieder, die höchst uneigennützig und ziemlich mutig, aber auch ziemlich traurig und gefährlich für sie alle an dem ausgesprochen sehr übertriebenen und ebenso auch eindeutig hochmütig zugeschriebenen Weltkrieg teilgenommen haben 2, als es im Wesentlichen nichts anderes war als eine mörderische Darstellung ihrer eigenen ausgesprochen weien, barbarischen und unbestreitbar selbstsüchtigen Barbarei, arrogant, ziemlich bösartig und böswillig ungeheuerlich, tatsächlich absichtlich herbeigeführt von den Briten, nicht überraschend in ihrem kalkulierten Bemühen, ihr genozidal erworbenes dauerhaft zu behalten Reich, und damit auch ihre rücksichtslose und fortwährende Ausbeutung, von der sie offensichtlich wahnhaft glaubten, dass das Dritte Reich daran interessiert sei, während die Deutschen zweifellos überhaupt kein Interesse daran hatten. Entgegen dieser Annahme besteht das überwiegende Interesse der Deutschen darin, ihre stinkenden Augias-Ställe gründlich zu reinigen, die durch diese aufdringliche und ungerechtfertigte Einmischung Grobritanniens, seines Imperiums und später der USA tatsächlich die Deutschen daran gehindert wurden, offensichtlich bewundernswert und ziemlich dumm das zu tun, was sie wirklich taten dieses deutsche und im Grunde auch noch ein europäisches Problem global und völlig unnötig verstreut!

#SelfEntitlement #Stupidity

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