Author’s remarks:
Raised, educated and avidly encouraged all of my life by those who from the outset of my existence have always genuinely mattered to me or would afterwards in the wake of such persons fill that role, and still do, never to fear death I took their ideas and logical solutions very seriously and constructively incorporated them into the very fabric of my life; for what they all of them encouragingly advised me to do and through principled examples practised on their part in their own lives weren’t only rational and made absolute sense to me but also significantly shaped and helped to consolidate the fundamental characteristics that embody the person I most happily, and thankfully to them, became but essentially still am.
And looking back as objectively as any honest person can in relation to matters personally concerning myself and them, there are quite thankfully very few things in my life that were it possible to do so I would willingly change, for even those negative aspects I encountered in my life did trigger, as it happened, positive responses on my part that were, and still are, whenever, wherever or whatever manner they actually occur a source of beneficial influences on which I can consummately draw and fittingly carry on with my life.
So I’m much too productively busy and totally occupied with real life to even think of let alone embark on consciously wasting what to me is precious time engaging myself in rather pointless and for the most part the evidently puerile luxury so completely beloved of and obsessed with by others principally in the west and particularly so in the United Kingdom of to all intents and purposes non-productively spending my valuable time on matters of little or no substance or to be candid inevitable consequences like death that no one can realistically change.