
Carla Bellucci who self-evidently has seen more nuts than most squirrels have done!

By Stanley Collymore
If what’s been reliably said
about this woman is only
half the truth, then the
Americans, rather regrettably form
them, are clearly rather obviously
more than welcomed to actually
having her! However it will really
be absolutely, rather interesting
to crucially see how this simply
obvious pillock, effectively gets
on chasing freebies over there!
As I very much doubt, they’ll be
such an evidently, quite bloody
soft touch as very undoubtedly
most hardworking Brits clearly
unquestionably, are over here!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
1 November 2024.

Author's Remarks:
My favourites are the people who say they'll move to other countries because of all these immigrants in the UK. Self-evidently in their specific cases of rampant stupidity not only the former but likewise irony undoubtedly lost on them!

Want any help with your packing Ms. Carla Bellucci, having spawned 4 sprogs without the benefit of a husband. Why and I clearly not the least surprised?


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