Author's Remarks:
This is the typical behaviour of Brexit voting Britain. Cretins who similarly, consistently and idiotically hold privileged so-called "elites" a d equally supposed posh people in high esteem while vitriolically and mendaciously denigrating ordinary people who've used their talents, hard work and commitment to get to the top.
Non-talented and puerile lowlifes themselves, and the sort of useless scum that had Winston Churchill, who passionately detested their kind and had he been allowed to have his way in parliament they would not have seen the light of day. Since the arch eugenicist that Churchill was, he would have had their parents and grandparents permanently and compulsorily sterilised; for, as he argued, to stop them possibly inter-breeding with and thus contaminating the aristocracy, of whom he considered himself to be one of the latter, and other upper classes within Britain, and infesting them with their lower class and, as Churchill saw it, inferior genes.
Yet these feral, lowlife pillocks are the very same ones that have voted the same Winston Churchill the greatest Briton ever. Never mind he was half-American and his lascivious tart of a mother, who had more lovers pre and post marriage than these stupid white plebeians had hot dinners, was significantly THREE months pregnant with Winston when she rather easily persuaded and also conned a clearly besotted with her and very cuckolded Randolph Churchill to naturally wed her claiming the bastard child which she was carrying was his.
Nothing unusual there and quite commonplace behaviour, even today in the 21st Century, amongst the quite lascivious and immoral bastards and bitches of Britain's so-called RF, the aristocracy and posh elites, as well as those who acceptably Integrate with them; and, of course, behaviour that is readily emulated by their fawning plebeian serfs!
Well there's a new eugenicist who's in full charge of Britain - Dominic Cummings - who while not averse to using these pillocks for his very own totaltarian, despotic and eugenicist ends nevertheless cynically see them as expendable political fodder. And having already used them to achieve his Brexit outcome, just notice where the massive majority of compulsorily implemented lockdowns and several quarantine areas are, relative to Covid-19.
The identical areas where the vast majority of these completely useless, feral, dimwitted and educationally challenged Brexiteers infest with their verminous presence. And what the REAL, but unelected totalitarian instinct and despotic eugenicist, Prime Minister Dominic Cummings is saying, is that you ignorant prats are now effectively surplus to necessary requirements.
Personally, I've been brought up from childhood to fear no one or anything, including DEATH - and why should I when DEATH is inevitable? So I've always lived my life positively and am NOT the least bit afraid to speak the truth to anyone, and that includes those wielding power of any kind. And will most certainly continue to do so until I die. Since DEATH is not seen by me as an adversary but as a close, personal and reliable friend I am most happy to welcome and also embrace whenever it calls.
A concept I know that is absolutely at great odds with the innate fears: real or imaginary, of you Brexiteers, who are shit scared of death, even though you are some of the most thoroughly mendaciously evil, sickeningly racist, and perniciously xenophobic persons in terms of sheer evil alone, actually infesting this planet. That's why, although I'm no eugenicist or am I ever likely to be, I do earnestly hope that your de facto Prime Minister, plus Hitler and Stalin wannabe Dominic Cummings, massively succeeds where Winston Churchill so unfortunately and sadly, regrettably failed.
And that Dominic Cummings' very despotic activities plus the effects of Covid-19; either real or despotically and politically construed by your perceived societal betters to rein you Idiots in and then consistently cruelly control those of you they allow, for obvious self-serving reasons to live as their Useful Idiots serfs, effectively eradicate if not all of you, then at least enormous swathes of you; and furthermore on a scale that even the legendary Black Death was unable to accomplish.
And it really does say a lot about you as the verminous and mendacious losers and deeply ingrained, hopeless imbeciles the overabundance of you are, when even Philip Mountbatten, whose family you so sickeningly and obsequiously fawn to, openly stated that he would relish nothing better than coming back after his death, and in another life, as a deadly virus to effectively dispose of such scum like you.
Yet you all are so bloody stupid that you, nevertheless, still idiotically carry on with your truly repulsive fawning to him and his kind, while most ridiculously but contemptibly parading yourself and your endemic ignorance as the pathetic Little Englanders, or its wider British version, and empire loyalists; and equally accompanied with all of this full garbage baggage you carry, your very own and intrinsically attached to deeply and unshakeably ingrained delusions!
Rule the waves again Britannia - I think not! Not by a Land of Dopes and no tangible Glory!
#Classism #Climbing #SocialStupidity