Author's Remarks:
My deepest and sincerest condolences to the families and close friends of all my fellow Black and other BAME victims, significant numbers of whom, as I myself once did, worked as highly qualified professionals, and as well other essential workers within the British NHS; and regrettably are no longer alive.
Decent, thoroughly honourable, utterly selfless and significantly too impeccably societally-minded and truly principled persons who, none the less, the racist British right-wing media, the likeminded BBC and their unmistakably demented trolling ilk would unsympathetically have everybody characteristically minus a functioning brain in their head, assuming of course that they have one in the first place, believe that all these BAME victims died simply because they didn't have the same "buoyancy" to Covid-19, which Boris Kemal/Johnson: the in situ racist and fascist PM of Britain, most predictably, in their collective sick and twisted minds, as a privileged white man obviously has and both obviously and commendably displayed when as was reportedly claimed he contracted Covid-19.
Even more curious to me, however, is Covid-19's remarkable ability and even its rather perceptible penchant for whom it scrupulously discriminates, this supposedly natural virus, against in terms of who it kills and those it spares, and doing so with no specific hint or any indication at all of random selection in what it does. Just like the virus which white western scientists and molecular biologists collectively, from across the entirety of the white-run west, systematically developed in apartheid South Africa, and with the unique purpose, and distinctive intention, of sterilizing and killing only Blacks, while proving totally harmless to whites.
An active member of the Anti-Apartheid Movement at the time and with close S.A contacts, those of us in that privileged position learnt early on what was happening but the British press and the BBC didn't want to know when they were contacted, and our truthful revelations were all contemptuously and arrogantly dismissed by them all as well as white UK politicians alike as disingenuous and dishonest, at best, conspiracy theories.
However, with the inevitable collapse of apartheid and the setting up of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission commendably chaired by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the utterly damnably, disturbingly, gut-wrenchingly graphic, heart-rending, irrefutable proof amidst tears of relief copiously and quite unchecked streaming down my face, thankfully came to light universally and globally; and most gratefully I was in South Africa to see it happen.
Sickeningly, though, the British and USA regimes which were principal sponsors and contributors of this murderous anti-Black virus in apartheid South Africa while at the same time publicly and strenuously claiming that this purported virus - their words - was a conspiracy theory put about by the ANC, its communist friends and supporters, in evidence, however, to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) from those scientists who were involved, they specifically stated that the UK and USA regimes had both insisted that the apartheid SA regime, even in its last and dying days, withhold its biological warfare technology from the lawful and incoming ANC government of Nelson Mandela. With the former SA apartheid Surgeon General, Neil Knobel during that compelling testimony of his to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission declaring that Britain and the USA didn't want the acquired technology acquired by apartheid SA to go to the African National Congress (ANC) and, according, had demanded that the SA apartheid regime destroy all of its stockpiles.
A feasible supposition but in reality and opportunity too good to miss on the part of Britain and the USA especially and in reality actually begs the question of how many, if any of these stockpiles were in effect destroyed but rather, and instead, readily found brand new homes in the west, and as I suspected at the time and still do now, at Britain's very longstanding and notorious germ and biological warfare laboratory at Porton Down in Wiltshire, England. Just killing time as it happens for when an appropriate British regime favoured using them against its BAME inhabitants and doing so in collaboration predictably with an equally populist and obviously white led parliamentary opposition; and in fascist ruled Britain all those components are currently in abundance in the UK.
My terribly shocking SA, Truth and Reconciliation experience even though I was previously fully aware of what apartheid SA was doing; my voluntary service with the Royal Air Force coupled with my full awareness too of what goes on at Porton Down plus the fact that the UK is a 95% principally white inhabited country, yet over 68% of NHS staff who have died of Covid-19 are BAME victims, and statistics show that Covid-19 is scientifically 4 times more likely to kill Blacks who account for less that 1% of Britain's overall population than whites will ever perish from it, certainly needs no rocket science intellectual acumen to work out what is really going on. So what do you gullible and fawning sheeple out there really require to convince you of the unvarnished truth: the austere equivalent of World War 2, Nazi-epoch type, empty Zyklon B gas canisters whose substances were quite routinely and barbarically, as is the natural nature of a considerable number of amoral and murderously inclined white western scientists and the like, employed in white Europe's concentration and death camps to premeditatedly and callously annihilate those who were inhumanly categorized, as Blacks were in apartheid SA and still are and particularly so in Britain and the USA, as Die Untermenschen?
Zyklon B gas cheerfully and commercially provided by the USA amid the unstinting support of the Nazi, Das Britische Freikorps: distinctly avid and committed white volunteers from across the entirety of the English speaking west, and naturally including Britain, who were separate and very distinct components of the Third Reich's Waffen-SS, as were the South African Boers who still rankling deeply after all the time that had elapsed at their barbaric Boer War mistreatment by the British and so distinctly wanted to have no truck with the British even though their murderous enterprise was the same, likewise had their own contingent of the Waffen-SS, and collectively whose specific duties included concentration camp atrocities and death camp exterminations.
Apartheid South Africa's clandestine acquisition of nuclear weapons through the active cooperation of the white west, was similarly spun as a conspiracy theory by consecutive British and US regimes, as well as their lackeys, until the collapse of apartheid when the irrefutable proof of their existence, principally through the auspices of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, did in effect become universally in the west as well as globally known and, all of a sudden, these supposedly non-existent, illegal nuclear weapons were rather summarily and with absolute indecent haste readily spirited out of South Africa during the last and discernibly dying days of the apartheid regime there to the USA by Britain and the same USA, most eager not to have them fall into the hands of a properly elected, legitimate, Black, and a massively popular, democratic government. This despite the fact that Nelson Mandela and the ANC fully aware from the outset that apartheid South Africa had illegal nuclear weapons in their possession, had categorically and publicly stated all along that the ANC most definitely preferred having SA as a nuclear free country and that on their democratically acquiring political power they would unhesitatingly get rid of all nuclear weapons that remained in a free, liberated and majority ruled South Africa.
So much them for the brazen hypocrisy, arrogance, repugnant double standards and the obvious barbaric nature and vile conduct of the white west both in terms of the latter's totalitarian-inclined repugnant regimes, their very easily led and willingly controlled populations, and their automatic branding of all unpalatable truths about or realistically pertaining to themselves that they can't honestly face, intelligently and rationally deal with, much less so actually face as conspiracy theories.
Covid-19 is not a conspiracy theory but in effect a real and malicious virus along the lines of the apartheid South African one, and with the same distinct aspirations in mind towards BAME and in particular Black people, and most notably so living in what these inured racists perceive as the white west. And as such it's white western, British and USA predominantly, man-made in the laboratories of the white west, including and most notoriously so the British regime's germ and biological warfare laboratory at Porton Down in Wiltshire, England.
And although having been immensely grateful as I am to professor Luc Montagnier, white and French, who shared the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine regarding his work in the discovery of the HIV virus, and has added his voice to those who believe that Covid-19 was created in a laboratory, I was hitherto fully au fait, for a multiplicity of reasons that I shan't go into, with this fact!