My body. Outstretched. On a deck. Between the Sky and the Earth.
Days and nights of pines and stars. Of blue bays, white schooners, top-down
Once cloud-high mountains, shaped and worn from hundreds of millions of rainfalls, windfalls, frosts. Rounded now
If he could see you now. Really see you. Take you entirely in. As you are now, in these days, places
Good to mark it each year on the world’s calendar. But I celebrate it every day.
Quite a sight to behold: a woman of sun, reclining on the grass, in a meadow, abundantly recumbent, hair and limbs lush with heat
Who wore a green plastic visor the color of a ginger ale bottle. Who had a raspy voice and Charles Coburn kind of face. A forever bachelor
The Maine woods. The coastal woods. Where coming into Spring he resides, is at home. Where he keeps a fire burning
Land dwellers. Sea rovers. Tillers. Spelunkers. Before you ask the questions many ask; have asked since man
You, Picasso aigu in your summer straw shading blue eyes and sailor stripes, juggling a bubble of cold wine.
A man rides his bicycle on the sea. Salt rubs the tires. Sun reflects on the soles of his shoes.
Back in time, a romantic era of English Time, they used to send a son or daughter off
Fog pours in through the half-open windows. Fills our small bedroom by the bay. Pools
It was a wet signature. Full of emotion. Full of eroticism. Still wet, with sweat
Those many, sung and unsung, who gave themselves, often gave up their lives, to fight, in wars,