My head is spinning and I cant make it stop,
When I think I can stand BAM, to my knees I drop.
Everyday brings new hope new dreams,
Really!! Another new problem it brings lately it seems.
How do you cope with a child going through grief,
And the added pressures of high school and adolescence even though brief.
The counsellor says take a step back and give them space,
How can I stand by while they spiral down at a rapid pace.
You just want to hold them and say I love you,
Knowing it is not enough with what they are going through.
Seeing them so angry and lost,
It is almost unbearable and you know the invisible line has already been crossed.
Where has my beautiful bright funny baby girl gone,
Do you feel like you just don’t fit in anymore, don’t belong?
You hardly talk anymore about what you are going through,
You have so much anger, hate and sadness to.
I just want you to know that I am forever here,
Not judging but I feel I live in constant fear.
So when you are ready to rest your weary head,
I will kiss you give you a hug and tuck you in to your warm safe bed.
I can only hope and pray,
Eventually a sunrise will bring with it for you a happy bright new day.
No fears no anger no doing yourself harm,
Instead just be happy to be you, full of happiness and full of charm.
Love Mum x