Aspergers and Griffin go hand in hand,
They will be together for life like the ocean and the sand.
He only wants what most people do,
To be loved unconditionally and have lots of friends to.
This is easier said than done,
For when his voice gets loud away the kids run.
If he is at school and sitting at lunch all alone,
his big brother Conrad will sit with him without a complaint or a moan.
He loves his routines and feels secure in his home,
and I love that he will always have his loud “Griffin” tone.
He doesn’t understand when kids change the rules in a game,
he gets frustrated and yells and wanders off on his own again and again.
His little sister Jade is his best friend,
they play dress ups and laugh right through to the days end.
He doesn’t like trying any new foods,
and if you try to make him he will get in a bad mood.
If you say hello he may not respond and walk away,
“He is just rude” I have heard people say.
Well he is not rude or impolite,
If you knew him instead of judging you would know he is very bright.
If he thinks you are old or wrinkly to name a few,
he won’t just think it he will tell you to.
I couldn’t imagine or want our boy any other way,
We love him for who he is every minute of every day.