Say it to me slow because I could… Why the fuck your words made a dif… On the apocalyptic nature of your… Publicly lambasting me for what it… Slipped into the cracks of a fonde…
Springing down, upon and forth to… There is no other to say where and… To begin, confused and saying his… His destruction’s begun without th… This word’s manifest his disconten…
The street is familiar The lanes are not. I’ve fallen in again And am now distraught. I couldn’t see what needed to be s…
The journey of life continues down… Sometimes smooth, sometimes rough,… I have traveled down the road for… It is apparent that the road I am… Not a wall, but a fence which I c…
How you left is the same way you e… Bewildered I wouldn’t kiss you with my heart… And still you begged For my lips to stay close to yours…
Hey! Yeah. You. Aka bitch. What gave you the right to intrude… Float your sorrowful eyes into my… Where I am master, where I am kin…
You can call me crazy Because I’ve definitely lost my m… It’s not likely that you’ll catch… Because I have a net, you know But those silly little details are…
When every day the turning sphere Advises below the trophosphere; I pen my thoughts with tools in mi… Soon enough we’re shown the tangle… ~C
Today’s simplistic silly rhyme Has come to you upon a dime The choices made to express, you s… A daily reminder of the depths of… Word.
In her they see a beauty sought; i… Her happiness a fallacy wrought; y… Please, goddess of life, explain t… Allow yourself to realize that you… to be won in a contest, let loose…
Sonder I ponder Clearly the day drifts on and wear… Of elegant decay. What’s that, you say? You too?
The tides are turning, I’ve found… Ran round my brain to clear the mu… Opportunity lost but never sounded Like I would ever imagine. Alliteration has crossed my mind
Uncontrolled, unparalleled, unstoppable, unfuckingbelievable. The child became a man before the man became a child. Has it ever been lost on those of us chirping loudest That we rely on...
Lust with me. Love with me. Dance with me. Cry with me. Feel pain you’ve never felt before…
I’m late. For a very important da… But I’ve lost my hat My cat My way I’d stay but I simply can’t.