Charles Lamb

Living Without God in the World

Mystery of God! thou brave & beauteous world!
Made fair with light, & shade, & stars, & flowers;
Made fearful and august with woods & rocks,
Jagg’d precipice, black mountain, sea in storms;
Sun, over all—that no co—rival owns,
But thro’ heaven’s pavement rides in despite
Or mockery of the Littleness of Man!
I see a mighty Arm, by Man unseen,
Resistless—not to be controuled; that guides,
In solitude of unshared energies,
All these thy ceaseless miracles, O World!
Arm of the world, I view thee, & I muse
On Man; who, trusting in his mortal strength,
Leans on a shadowy staff—a staff of dreams.
We consecrate our total hopes and fears
To idols, flesh & blood, our love (heaven’s due),
Our praise & admiration; praise bestowed
By man on man, and acts of worship done
To a kindred nature, certes do reflect
Some portion of the glory, & rays oblique,
Upon the politic worshipper—so man
Extracts a pride from his humility.
Some braver spirits, of the modern stamp,
Affect a Godhead nearer: these talk loud
Of mind, & independent intellect;
Of energies omnipotent in man;
And man of his own fate artificer—
Yea, of his own life lord, & of the days
Of his abode on earth, when time shall be
That life immortal shall become an Art;
Or Death, by chemic practices deceived,
Forego the scent which for six thousand years,
Like a good hound, he has followed, or at length,
More manners learning, & a decent sense,
And rev’rence of a philosophic world,
Relent, & leave to prey on carcasses.
But these are fancies of a few: the rest,
Atheists, or Deists only in the name,
By word or deed deny a God. They eat
Their daily bread, & draw the breath of heaven,
Without a thought or thanks; heav’n’s roof to them
Is but a painted ceiling hung with lamps,
No more, that light them to their purposes.
They ‘wander loose about.’ They nothing see,
Themselves except, and creatures like themselves,
That liv’d short—sighted, impotent to save.
So on their dissolute spirits, soon or late,
Destruction cometh ‘like an armed man,’
Or like a dream of murder in the night,
Withering their mortal faculties, & breaking
The bones of all their pride.—
Other works by Charles Lamb...
