since my last name was Fuch, he sa… believe the school yard was tough:… powder down my neck, threw gravel… with rubber bands in class, and ou… me names, well, one name mainly, o…
225 days under grass and you know more than I. they have long taken your blood, you are a dry stick in a basket. is this how it works?
between 2 and 5 p.m. any day and a… Wednesday, it’s 20% off for us old dogs approaching the sunset… it’s strange to be old and not fee… old
A day or so later I got a poem in the mail from Lydia. It was a long poem and it began: Come out, old troll, Come out of your dark hole, old troll, Come out into the sunlight with us an...
sometimes after you get your ass kicked real good by the forces you often wish you were a crane standing on one leg in blue water
The reading in Vancouver went through, $500 plus air fare and lodging. The sponsor, Bart Mcintosh, was nervous about crossing the border. I was to fly to Seattle, he’d meet me there and...
know. I know. they are limited, have different needs and concerns. but I watch and learn from them.
I get too many phone calls. they seek the creature out. they shouldn’t.
I walked into the counselor’s office. It was Eddie Beaver sitting behind the desk. The clerks called him “Skinny Beaver.” He had a pointed head, pointed nose, pointed chin. He was all p...
I am hung by a nail the sun melts my heart I am cousin to the snake
was a truly amazing man he pretended to be rich even though we lived on beans and… when we sat down to eat, he said,
the lilies storm my brain by god by god like nazi storm troopers! do you think I’m going tizzy?
I only met one student at City College that I liked, Robert Becker. He wanted to be a writer. “I’m going to learn everything there is to learn about writing. It will be like taking a ca...
I was asked to give a reading at a famous nightclub, The Lancer, on Hollywood Boulevard. I agreed to read two nights. I was to follow a rock group, The Big Rape, each night. I was getti...
he was just a cat cross-eyed, dirty white with pale blue eyes