#Americans #XXCentury
there he is: not too many hangovers not too many fights with women not too many flat tires never a thought of suicide
when I was in grammar school my parents were poor and in my lunch bag there was only a peanut butter sandwich.
To pacify Lydia I agreed to go to Muleshead, Utah. Her sister was camping in the mountains. The sisters actually owned much of the land. It had been inherited from their father. Glendol...
first time my father overheard me… this bit of music he asked me, “what is it?” “it’s called Love For Three Oran… I informed him.
these boys have got class they ought to make kings out of old men rolling cigarettes in rooms small enough
crud, he said, hauling it out of the water, what is it? a Hollow-Back June Whale, I said… no, said a guy standing by us on t…
I even hear the mountains the way they laugh up and down their blue sides and down in the water the fish cry
the Egyptians loved the cat were often entombed with it instead of with the women and never with the dog but now
Our English teacher, Miss Gredis, was the absolute best. She was a blonde with a long sharp nose. Her nose wasn’t much good but you didn’t notice it when you looked at the rest of her. ...
Sunday, I am eating a grapefruit, church is over at the… Orthadox to the west. she is dark
bet on #6, I try red, I stare at… wonder what Chekhov would do, and… blue plates sit eating the carnage… and look very much like Russians a… my left tit and try to smile like…
I saw her when I was in the left… going east on Sunset. she was sitting with her legs crossed reading a paperback.
she came to my place drunk riding a deer up on the front porc… so many women want to save the wor… but can’t keep their own kitchens… but me...
Abe Mortenson was had enough to be around but he was just a fool. You can forgive a fool because he only runs in one direction and doesn’t deceive anybody. It’s the deceivers who make y...
the centerfielder turns rushes back reaches up his glove and