#AmericanWriters #1993 #ThePleasuresOfTheDamned
he buys 5 cars a month, details th… them out, then resells them at a profit of one or… he has a nice Jewish wife and he t… bangs her until the walls shake.
my grandmother had a serious gas problem. we only saw her on Sunday. she’d sit down to dinner and she’d have gas.
225 days under grass and you know more than I. they have long taken your blood, you are a dry stick in a basket. is this how it works?
Long walks at night— that’s what good for the soul: peeking into windows watching tired housewives trying to fight off
and the subnormal. all through grammar school junior high high school junior college
Jimmy Hatcher worked part time in a grocery store. While none of us could get jobs he could always get one. He had his little movie star face and his mother had a great body. With his f...
believe in earning one’s own way but I also believe in the unexpect… gift and it is a wondrous thing when a woman who has read your wor…
she sits up there drinking wine while her husband is at work. she puts quite
On Christmas I had Betty over. She baked a turkey and we drank. Betty always liked huge Christmas trees. It must have been 7 feet tall, and 1/2 as wide, covered with lights, bulbs, tins...
red hair real she whirled it and she asked “is my ass still on?”
I been readin’ you for a long time… I just put Billy Boy to bed, he got 7 mean ticks from somewhere… I got 2, my husband, Benny, he got 3.
I had begun to dislike my father. He was always angry about something. Wherever we went he got into arguments with people. But he didn’t appear to frighten most people; they often just ...
he drank wine all night of the 28th, and he kept thinking of her: the way she walked and talked and… the way she told him things that s… but were not, and he knew the colo…
places to hunt places to hide are getting harder to find, and pet canaries and goldfish too, did you… that?
Shirley came to town with a broken… and met the Chicano who smoked long slim cigars and they got a place together on Beacon street