#Americans #XXCentury #1993 #ThePleasuresOfTheDamned
I got back, made love to Lydia several times, got in a fight with her, and left L. A. International late one morning to give a reading in Arkansas. I was lucky enough to have a seat by ...
a house with 7 or 8 people living in it getting up the rent. there’s a stereo never used and a set of bongos
call it love stand it up in the failing light put it in a dress pray sing beg cry laugh
I am hung by a nail the sun melts my heart I am cousin to the snake
the history of melancholia includes all of us. me, I writhe in dirty sheets while staring at blue walls and nothing.
sit on this bench and look at the sea and the freaks and the lovers. need new eyes a new mouth new pillows, a new woman.
I used to hold my social security… up in the air, he told me, but I was so small they couldn’t see it,
An old man asked me for a cigarett… and I carefully dealt out two. Been lookin’ for job. Gonna stand in the sun and smoke.” He was close to rags and rage
I am driving down Wilton Avenue when this girl of about 15 dressed in tight blue jeans that grip her behind like two hand… steps out in front of my car
The next day in bed I got tired of waiting for the airplanes and I found a large yellow notebook that had been meant for high school work. It was empty. I found a pen. I went to bed wit...
one of the terrible things is really being in bed night after night with a woman you no longer
Times were still hard. Nobody was any more surprised than I when Mears– Starbuck phoned and asked me to report to work the next Monday. I had gone all around town putting in dozens of a...
She wasn’t really a cop, she was a clerk-cop. And she started coming in and telling me about a guy who wore a purple stick pin and was a “real gentleman.” “Well,” I’d ask, “how was old ...
she pulled her dress off over her head and I saw the panties indented somewhat into the crotch.
to be writing poetry at the age of… like a schoolboy, surely, I must be crazy; racetracks and booze and arguments with the landlord;