#Americans #XXCentury #1977 #LoveIsADogFromHell
I think of automobiles parked in a parking lot when I think of myself dead I think of frying pans when I think of myself dead
when you’re young a pair of female high-heeled shoes just sitting
once starving in Philadelphia I had a small room it was evening going into night and I stood at my window on the 3r…
The boys on Dorsey station didn’t know my problems. I’d enter through the back way each night, hide my sweater in a tray and walk in to get my timecard: We had a game going, the black-w...
you may not believe it but there are people who go through life with very little friction or
I had to fly to Illinois to give a reading at the University. I hated readings, but they helped with the rent and maybe they helped sell books. They got me out of east Hollywood, they g...
majestic, majic infinite my little girl is sun on the carpet—
I had begun to dislike my father. He was always angry about something. Wherever we went he got into arguments with people. But he didn’t appear to frighten most people; they often just ...
I was coming home from classes down Westview hill. I never had any books to carry. I passed my exams by listening to the class lectures and by guessing at the answers. I never had to cr...
big black beard tells me that I don’t feel terror I look at him
92 years old his tooth has been bothering him had to get it filled he lost his left eye 40 years ago
I went over the other day to pick up my daughter. her mother came out with workman’s overalls on. I gave her the child support money
Each night as I got ready to go on in, Joyce had my clothing laid out on the bed. Everything was the most expensive money could buy. I never wore the same pair of pants, the same shirt,...
“you know,” she said, “you were at the bar so you didn’t see but I danced with this guy. we danced and we danced close.
no one is sorry I am leaving, not even I; but there should be a minstrel or at least a glass of wine. bothers the young most, I think: