Celia Thaxter


BECAUSE I hold it sinful to despond,
    And will not let the bitterness of life
Blind me with burning tears, but look beyond
    Its tumult and its strife;
Because I lift my head above the mist,
    Where the sun shines and the broad breezes blow,
By every ray and every raindrop kissed
    That God’s love doth bestow;
Think you I find no bitterness at all?
    No burden to be borne, like Christian’s pack?
Think you there are no ready tears to fall
    Because I keep them back?
Why should I hug life’s ills with cold reserve,
    To curse myself and all who love me? Nay!
A thousand times more good than I deserve
    God gives me every day.
And in each one of these rebellious tears,
    Kept bravely back, He makes a rainbow shine;
Grateful I take his slightest gift, no fears
    Nor any doubts are mine.
Dark skies must clear, and when the clouds are past,
    One golden day redeems a weary year;
Patient I listen, sure that sweet at last
    Will sound his voice of cheer.
Then vex me not with chiding. Let me be.
    I must be glad and grateful to the end.
I grudge you not your cold and darkness, —me
    The powers of light befriend.
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