Still Life with a Skull and a Writing Quill, by Pieter Claesz


you but not what know all your just can never with when they one see could if ve will because from there like did still now only even how had feel who why love would up then time he out say yet always go them more through too think knew let tell said ever cannot thought away way again here back nothing been take hear before give make something oh about soul much where than such get life into eyes down same over want well right long need look come made true someone should told own myself their heart got light really won many truth must mind find believe done fear within until lie wish keep yourself already try care good anything around another any words end wrong everything things simply some other yes pain every which maybe speak dead without truly hate free saw felt does tried upon once mine wanna both thing else anyone walk day put leave place world dark show first real hand last may under wanted mean very heard sure help set after night blood being understand stay remember inside trying ill death others gave she hard fire alone stand run off live left sorry though behind forever face took im fool game yours far r realize seen lies people anymore name turn meant lost known stanger hell head forget bad better part man enough call door side play lay ain old new makes breath gonna two while change hurt fall looking close skin watch stop found yall pretend against gone grow cold deep matter along die past born fight beneath best couldn water sun hold youre laugh power quite soon choice little blame gotta aren talk times together cut reason trust came nor foolish sea home few voice loved line wake feeling apart word start grew knowing smile become needed til friend different silence miss most sleep next god shame saying ask knows hands fate none instead touch broken fun use please wait whole flame save ago sound empty dream used between anyway guess late kept alive black blind self unless near hide might bring years hope control above wind read exactly thinking pride ground silent each wouldn sense shadow peace shall desire full looked chance went memory finally single mirror seems eye sometimes song turned ok waiting longer choose beside watching held break actually telling except comes played ones strong point believed kind id suppose days ignore child body fake lied happy piece seem fell dare less tear perhaps clear also moon surely sin mistake souls earth evil act easy move regret beyond watched haven taken fair kill room darkness ive feelings confusion weak great yea lesson work mouth dear sky stone walked ourselves burn beleive doin course doesn coming bed living itself blue cry learn sad hidden written laid chose seeing energy rest everyone false white answer gray walking thoughts open pure agree least given morning leaving grave glow anger whatever takes slow asked talking playing throw lose giving spoke sit dreams promise lives curse moment crazy person understood certain year ways share stuff money bet liar idea drown straight feels worst proof realized goes gain tears friends running sign rather tree feet either secret destroy neither catherine renee ego win weren happened strength obvious fools worth calm write called quiet sight listen lying somehow honest secrets red since themselves ahead heal flow wall forgive eachother learned fact doubt storm seek crime kiss taking caught pull void sick across spirit beauty pass bled prove happen means key chaos anew fast lips doing thee woke phantom paid small further veins asking road lack poison enemy wonder making human safe whisper screaming connection protect physical almost broke deny bleed emotions patience indeed path rise shake admit drink gets games clue problem demons bit getting somewhere lock missing grown green thats became bear beginning space taste gift land standing refuse sand idk cared warned thrown surprised fine tired escape hit lot stayed goin exist bigger meaning lived war stare limb type story changed cause worry wants going shut half young house ghost shadows tight falling core final waves truths loud honestly complete assume serious certainly moving attempt damn met surprise cant goal meet defend brought belong fears rain stood fade stars perfect burning fault tied group refused cool sell goodbye protection nature letting brings follow cycle tie says tricked arrogance ready short grace turns art music low today mystery afraid whispers bones bell often soft built cried hearts tis obsession ancient lead months accept bored stasis stopped trick threw understanding shallow apologize harder lessons rhyme forward solid aligned fail happiness wild balance disappear return died wings floor forgotten girl higher begin passion gives rules cord spread funny forgot screen otherwise bind stuck plan onto helped bound laughing figure ear question able familiar buried having sake laughter perfection sorrow later attention intentions mistakes began slowly leaves warm endless speaking force needs bend eternal flames thru gullible family absolutely important respect started matters putting easier keeps scared holding dont stronger worse signs explain places pieces hearing laughed spell hour ocean knees growing emotion flee three reach answers wear beautiful handle children walls hey clearly phone willingly loving confused lines taught illusion reaction seemed ends depth early drowned seed faith winter tongue ages age flesh deeper senses air clean alike insane sane fly grin draw second ugly push happens experience scream constant names unknown spiritual smell remain listened afterlife nice table lamb hurts shouldn sink trace failed quickly pretending entire ran dying strife shown cursed steal whose steady future ours deserve glass waters softly devil turning tale brave below rose deal unto chains bodies list shit enjoy pretended ruin match continue looks tool controlled grows possible ended bother wether mess scent tonight haunted stupidity stranger completely crowd cost cast crawl finger mad grief wealth till hole frozen proud grieve laying circle send string darker deeply tide doom screams mend liked fought loves wicked heaven yesterday ending closer becomes awake copyright worried reasons cruel pay loose odd sounds harm ...
