

Not meant to be anything but a tool to mull over thoughts

Did I hear that right?
I don’t have it
And you’re right I do not believe you.
How can I?
You are only sorry because you’re trapped
I know you’re cursed
You girls really wanna do this too?
As I’m not even halfway through
I ain’t yet wounded.
And no I went to no authority
I ain’t a snitch
If they heard it’s because they are reading this.
Keep in mind a snitch is someone helping themselves by telling on you
And a crime
That had nothing to do with them
You endanger me in any way?
Physically or mentally?
I’ll try every way I can to rectify the situation
And yea I’ll snitch to save myself when you are coming at me completely for reasons of your own
When I did not commit a deed bad against you.
Hell I don’t even know some of you
No I didn’t tell
But try again and I will.
Give me physical evidence again
Keep the tap in the speaker
Beer in the talker
Fear in the  stalker
Fight in the walker
Don’t get it twisted to make this foolish mob look better
Or you could be a sea of ghosts
We will see
But not the sick
You should be behind bars
But I won’t even try
Until you keep annoying me
Because no offense like I’ve said before
Youre mosquitos
Trying to dig graves for a humans
But you fell in your own
Wondering why did I do this foolery
Well the one who told you too might be foolish
But there was at least some personal feelings involved
Yall just like idiots followed in a crowd.
So forgive me if I’m looking more at you.
And one with an I and an A.
I’m looking at you.
But not for all situations
Just a few.
But there is confusion around another
I’ll pop back when it all comes together but doubtful everyone is crazy and trying to persecute me
Sending Randoms around
Just stop
But I do know three and a few in a did what you did
I can handle it.
It wasn’t a challenge
I could be all wrong
But if I was
Would what I’m writing be important?
And would you be following along?
See what I did there.
Order of operations
Cross out by putting it out there
And seeing what comes back
You’ll be seen as an idiot or insane
But it’s just game
You gotta play to get answers
And I didn’t even know there were answer  to find until one little time I went oh lord.
Took a sword
Sharp with truth
And chopped through
An eye evil
They are controlling you by means they can’t unless your near
Yea you. As for you
And the fire
Ask your group of fools
Who you will go to when you walk free.
You think I would not help
If I had it?
I need help
I need help
I need help
I hear you
But I don’t have anything close
Maybe if I want cursed
I would. Maybe if you would’ve chose
Your side correctly I’d be able to help you
All I can do is pray your protection.
Even the smallest inspection
I find a lie
You can’t hide
If you truly left it all behind
It’d be another thing entirely
Oh you’re just now seeing clearly?
Because you are in a snare
It’s the only reason you’d dare
When before you refused to spare.
Couldn’t just leave me alone and not care
But you had to seek revenge for a crime that wasn’t mine
Sign my name.
I’m just waiting for confession
Because I already know
And it’s all been a blessing
Shook if you all knew how I truly felt
Born again
Validation of my beliefs
I’ve known forever
But you are clever
You just can’t beat that which hears All
Well not all
Only what I’m barely told
And even then they speak all off.
I won’t take you serious? Well why should I?
And you let them in?
Come on in?
I gotta laugh.
I apologize
Don’t blame me
Blame the tether between the voice inside
Blame the cord I thought I cut
The cord that burst to flame
Telling me exactly what I had to do
I had beliefs done and have to see it through.
If you never see it well I feel for you.
But yours is for you
Unlock it
You had no problem unlocking pandoras
And those demons are still rampaging around
Attaching themselves to fools
That thought they could outsmart
Assert dominance over me and some over you.
You led or followed
It’s always been bigger than both of us.
But were you told to stay with me
Leave me.
Or pretend to get with me under false pretenses
Fake readers and fake readings
Move my mind how one chooses
Jokes on them
I get through and it may be realized too late
my beliefs are from elsewhere
Platform? No
I’ll listen more.
When you speak.
See that?
My sea of eyes?
She must be cursed in person
I guess you say
You’ve no idea
What you play with
But the fall back?
Let’s see
Talk of oneself
Feeling of grandiosity
Over thinking
Thinking they hear voices
Bad choices
Think again you fools
I’m playing with you more than you play with me.
But who is you?
And how many you makes a whole?
What all stole
What you all will never win
What you thought was my sin
Was yours
What was my blessing
You got and I heard it unwillingly
Because I wish to not cause conflict in certain people but the rest be damned
Don’t take it out on the wrong one
I can’t keep goin
Without a smile
Wanted so bad to keep me scared and paranoid
But they forget I don’t get scared and live in the void
I have many fear
But I fear without defeat
I fear but with sight
To fear With fight
In a capsule of light
And I’m used to it
I was born here.
To go against them
I don’t feel  the same fear
As any of the eyes.
The dark leaves it’s mark
I’ve left clues
Not paid certain dues
I’m imbued with stupidity and humor
Twisted from absolute logic and sensibility
And a joy and love that conveys the depth of me
With scars of mistake upon
Yes tried to make me shattered and broken cut free
Never possible with a diamond
I may not be as pretty
But I need no pity
And can walk alone til death
And come back in the same breath
All the feelings grandiose?
Perhaps that’s why I chose
All this
I’m a text book case right?
Might wanna get your one back out.
There’s something to believe now?
Well of course it’s super natural.
Remember wake up.
Did you?
But why did your other voice seem so evil
And now it’s good.
Make me hear bad intent
So I can’t beleive neither or do like I always have beleive in both.
Get away from those who may  have tricked you.
And if they do do they care enough to help you
And yes I knew
Who tried to
Keep me fearful?
You they?
Or worse
Blood and others
But surprise is
I had fun
It awoke my powers of analysis even further
Even my need to never cower
This whole situation
All the confusion
Let me feeling great
And empowered in my abilities
It gave me fun
When before I’d not healed as fast.
I’d be in the past with forbears
But they are gone
And I am for the future
You all thought wrong so wrong
It was never I that was hellspawn.
I might yawn
During church
I may high five lurch
I may have a good time
Spend a dime on a dime
Put a coconut with a lime
But I don’t bind
I don’t bend
I’ve always wanted to show someone the strength
At what length one must go for me to show
My true nature
But oh it took time
Now it’s a song
Playing out long
Forever in tune for the pure and beside me
And forever out of tune, scratching, for the wicked and untrue
Oh I’m a sucker for a clue
I can’t be through
I smell a distraction from the real truth
Can’t we all just get along
We’ll have it your way then.
Don’t make bets
But your right I don’t look close at my chips either
Before betting them all impulsively and like a fool
It’s just a poker chip afterall
And what poker chip as a personality
Much less a secret that could destroy you one day so long
How can anyone be so wrong?
Gas turned on full
A lighter full
But intelligence fuller
Caution overflow
Happiness never mangled
Confusion untangled
Staring straight through.
The bars
“Where I’m seeing you there” no know you miserable
Don’t give up.
Don’t give up.
You should’ve called
And since you cannot
The think I cannot see the moving recordings
My yard
Played on repeat
Ah I found out the number
They say
Found where lives the host
All they had to do was ask
But I fear for health
Why is this?
You give out passwords
What’s gonna happen?
Well duh.
I don’t believe you
You innocent?
Just gave out a password?
No I bet you told the lies.
I bet you helped.
And if he’s made money and doesn’t tell me you’re all goin down.
I don’t know how else to tell you this.
I know.
Don’t let anyone
Make you into what you’re not
Or proclaim you are not
Which I just can’t truly beleive you
But I’ll hear you out
I feel your just sad now
Because you are being sat down man’s told what mistakes you made
where  are all of you?
But California?
What is it.
I called you the name anyway
It fit
She is a bit prettier than you.
But what’s it to do
Hey Jude
Grab those lies
I always look straight through you.
With all this
Probably nothing
Running stupidity from end to end
I know
And I won’t be stopped
Or told to shut up
Think I don’t know what I’m playing with
But I fear nothing especially a fool
Or maybe one or two
Maybe a group?
Maybe several?
The devil himself?
Hands upon them like puppets?
Try me
God is right here.
Not the type of angel you’d expect yes this I know
But your one to talk angels from hell.
How do I spell
It out
You messed around and found out
The hard way
Not used to loss
Well it’s all a game
All these words are just foolery
Don’t take it factual
Unless they make some sense
Think of it and don’t get so tense
So tapping your feet
Elbows on thighs
What you doin staring at a wall now
Must be a great place
For spiritual awakening.
Only wish I could tell you
Instead of you doin it like that
Talking to me like that?
I’m used to it though
But it gets creepy.
I fall sleepy
And you’re still screaming crazy?
Without even  seeing
I’m playing  with you
I play too many jokes
People don’t see are meant for a laugh.
I apologize it seems I only blamed one
I was used at your scapegoat so I had to use you
Takes the attention off the rest
Which I need to see
Wow such grandiose ideas
It’s because a troll ain’t under the bridge
But I don’t have
Won’t have
That much
Talk to me explain yourself
Don’t act don’t lie
But that’s impossible for you
I had higher hopes for you as a person
Not as you assumed
It wasn’t about that
But about you
Why did you give up
Too soon
Turn bad and refuse to come back
So that’s where i leave you
Curtain close
Because you would not come forward
Not one to fight
I’m not in the mood
Al you do is brood
Constantly lewd.
I know you were paid to do
I be cursed right?
They know nothing
You can’t like them
You too the wrong side.
Turn around
Walk into the light
The shadow is getting taller than yourself
Leave it where you fell from a cliff
I tried to warn you
Close the curtain
Tried to help you before the sin would clap right back
Curtain close
Fade to black
Do you have the energy?
The good?
The honestly?
For an encore?
Or are you lost and cursed?
Is there an encore
Only cursed if you wanna be they say.
Or are you dead to the core.
Who am I really talking too?
The leader or the masses who will still fail
I mean fall
Why you stall?
I walk down a hall
With many doors
Each one could be successful
But a few less right into a pit
And I’ve already thrown caution tape over it
Maybe you got a few more surprises
But they have been seen everytime
Daily grind to be paid to watch
Paid to leave for good
Paid for for me to be stood
Or stood to a firing line
Well neither worked out
So all you all will be paid for
Not me
I don’t do that
Nice try
Oh gotta get paid
To be laid off.
Your all fired
As you stand in the fire
Paid for a 3rd party situation
Well let me give a one person standing ovation
get me to write it out
How was that to make any sense?
It was noticeable after awhile
I’m not hurt yet
The best part? Is they still think their masks are on
But I’ve seen through them from close to the start.
Still secrets held and thinking they are hid
Get off the grid
If this is suppose to feel bad
Then I’m not even mid
To bending much less breaking
I don’t like to sound that way.
It’s not a front
But it gets tired of having to prove it.
Sorry to be blunt
Use it
To help yourself
You’re all together yet somehow all alone.
I’m alone
Not made of stone
Yet an army stands behind me
And this phone
Had become a playground
I so crazy
Don’t give me an exam
Someone will be disappointed

Not done.. it’s another just talking one.. full of seemingly nonsense but not .. I really don’t even mean these to be seen as poetry but more of info put down. Also my older stuff is published already so to find it elsewhere is weird.

Haha anyone reading my last few long poems is like wtf goin on in her life.. lol yeas they aren’t meant to be read by any but nosy people in my own life
So i know it’s confusing but it’s ok to just pretend it’s not there
Someone said a bunch of crazy stuff and sometimes I react to it by giving them
What they want. If they are here and know me ,i don’t think they mean me the best intentions. Could be wrong idk.

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