Self-Portrait in Hell, by Edvard Munch


Nothing fancy..simple rhymes and simple thoughts to be interpreted how one sees fit.

It seems that now I’ve come to grips
I’m trapped by words that pass not my lips
they circle my mind as a steady drip
like a strong drink you only take in sips
its rendering me helpless and in submission
yet slowly stealing my inhibition
yet it leaves me with the intuition
that what I feel is no longer a passing suspicion
a whisper soft inside, must know
what hides deeply within this fiery shadow
what lies above the right or wrong
I wanna feel what lies beyond
in the unknown corners of the soul
in a place where I’m not controlled
by all these rules that leave one cold
escape somewhere where the warmth takes hold
its relentless this desire to understand
convince me otherwise and Ill try again
but what good might and would it do?
this curiosity runs me through and through
suffice to say this is not rational
that word, has not always laid beside me
and everything I could do irrational
has always pushed up from behind me
I’ve often heard silence is golden
yet it does nothing to embolden
and this thought process does all it can to impose
its talons notched into my skin
and I’m left here trying to recompose
but it’ll just turn around, recoil, then strike again
it is more than skin deep now
thats what I feared and yet somehow
I did not much to turn it away
But it was not like I had any say
what I feel is not in any way informal
yet it borders slightly thus paranormal
as an entity that steals my resolve
and I have no answers, none that would solve
this thing that has grown into me
tightly closing around my soul
yet I find I take it willingly
because I want to know
I will know
what lay beyond what is controlled.
Copyright 2020

Simple idea of I'm curious as a damn cat...whether bad or good....dangerous or safe...in life,love,adventure. Mainly passion that will take me where rules don't mean much to me...what's beyond those boundaries? How can we know if we don't dip our toes...

#breakfree #control #curiosity #demonic #desire #evil #iwantmore #iwanttheworld #lust #understandall

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