Avaunt! What news is this I hear Of portent grim and sinister? Is he, whose words insult mine ear… A mere, upstart Prime Minister? Odds fish! These fellows hithert…
As I came to a playing-field on h… Two strudy youths I did espy; at… One had the ball, one had the bat,… As one tossed up the crimson spher… Now, as I reached the bowler’s en…
Do you know this mysterious, serio… Who sits at the game with the card… Watching and waiting While we’re calculating The tricks and the honors? It’s…
Dark lady of the laggard dawn, Hiding within her gully deep; Long have night’s curtains been wi… Before her earliest sun-shaft’s pe… And, long before the sun sinks dow…
I’m a fussy little fellow In my kilt of glowing yellow; As about the garden ways I bow an… Many a melody I bring you, In the soft, gay songs I sing you
There’s been fierce argument of la… In my vicinitee, Between the Commonwealth and Stat… For I fell out with me. I am a sturdy Federalist,
‘Unless you ’ide that axe,' she se… An’ after all - Now, Bill, don’t… Wiv ’im thro’ croop an’ whoopin’ c… Why don’t you ‘ang it on the wall,… But there it wus, jist thrown abou…
Well (said the small, meek man) we… In this sad world, for these are s… And men pin hopes to methods new a… And see lost happiness thro’ alter… And I, who many a bitter cup have…
In the old town traditions - as gr… One epic tale immortalises Lah-di… Clerk to a local wheat-buyer in th… Some deemed him just a ‘masher,’ b… With his waxed moustache, his mono…
Said old Pete, the Pensioner: ‘I met him down the road Where, twixt the shadders of the g… The silver moonlight flowed. His skin was white like shrivelled…
Jist to intraj’uice me cobber, an… A rorty boy, a naughty boy, wiv ru… In ’is casu’l conversation, an’ th… That gives the sudden shudders to… ‘Is name is on the records at the…
Johnny Nock, the auctioneer, gold… Spread about him great good cheer… Familiar sight on district roads -… As men, perched high on harvest la… For not a man had ill to speak of…
Say, Bo, this little Yewropean wa… It grieves our gloryus nation to t… The vurry core of its great, stran… We’re tur-ble sore: That’s what.
Fierce on the wheat-sown Mallee p… The ruthless summer suns burned do… And dust-storms, heralding the rai… Swept thro’ the street and on agai… While tradesfolk cursed in the old…
The throstle now in English lanes Bids Summer strew her dear deligh… But we, intent on cricket gains, Watch well our valiant willow knig… With eager eyes on cabled news,