Wondering maiden, so puzzled and f… Why dost thou murmur and ponder an… ‘Why are my eyelids so open and wi… Only the better to see with, my ch… Only the better and clearer to vie…
They ran through the streets of th… They peered from the decks of the… The cold sea-fog that came whiteni… Was never as cold or white as they… ‘Ho, Starbuck and Pinckney and T…
(MUD FLAT, 1860) So you’re back from your travels,… And you left but a twelvemonth ago… You’ve hobnobbed with Louis Napol… Eugenie, and kissed the Pope’s to…
They say that she died of a broken… (I tell the tale as ’twas told to… But her spirit lives, and her soul… Of this sad old house by the sea. Her lover was fickle and fine and…
Above the bones St. Ursula owns, And those of the virgins she chape… Above the boats, And the bridge that floats,
(ALKALI STATION) Cicely says you’re a poet; maybe,—… I reckon you’d give me a hundred,… Poetry!—that’s the way some chaps… But I takes mine ‘straight withou…
We know him well: no need of prais… Or bonfire from the windy hill To light to softer paths and ways The world-worn man we honor still. No need to quote the truths he spo…
(AN AERIAL RETROSPECT) What was it filled my youthful dre… In place of Greek or Latin themes… Or beauty’s wild, bewildering beam… Avitor!
It is the story of Thompson—of Th… Frequently drunk was Thompson, bu… Light and free was the touch of T… Great the mortality incident on th… Yet not happy or gay was Thompson…
This is the tale that the Chronic… Tells of the wonderful miracle Wrought by the pious Padre Serro, The very reverend Junipero. The heathen stood on his ancient m…
And you are the poet, and so you w… Something—what is it?—a theme, a f… Something or other the Muse won’t… To your old poetical necromancy; Why, one half you poets—you can’t…
‘Crying!’ Of course I am crying,… too, If people were telling such storie… Oh yes, you can laugh if you want… how,
(REPORTED BY TRUTHFUL J… Waltz in, waltz in, ye little kids… And drop them books and first pot-… I kin not sling a fairy tale of J… For I hold it is unchristian to d…
(NYE’S FORD, STANISLAUS,… Do I sleep? do I dream? Do I wonder and doubt? Are things what they seem? Or is visions about?
DEAD AT PITTSFIELD, MASS… O poor Romancer—thou whose printe… Filled with rude speech and ruder… Was given to heroes in whose vulga… No trace appears of gentler ways a…