‘Who comes?’ The sentry’s warning… Rings sharply on the evening air: Who comes? The challenge: no repl… Yet something motions there. A woman, by those graceful folds;
(MOUTH OF THE SHAFT) What I want is my husband, sir,— And if you’re a man, sir, You’ll give me an answer,— Where is my Joe?
Didn’t know Flynn,— Flynn of Virginia,— Long as he’s been ‘yar? Look ’ee here, stranger, Whar HEV you been?
(NYE’S FORD, STANISLAUS,… Do I sleep? do I dream? Do I wonder and doubt? Are things what they seem? Or is visions about?
Two low whistles, quaint and clear… That was the signal the engineer— That was the signal that Guild, ’… Gave to his wife at Providence, As through the sleeping town, and…
(SEPTEMBER, 1779) ‘Have a care!’ the bailiffs cried From their cockleshell that lay Off the frigate’s yellow side, Tossing on Scarborough Bay,
It was noon by the sun; we had fin… And was passin’ remarks goin’ back… Jones was countin’ his chips, Smi… Of ideas that a 'straight’ should… When Johnson of Elko came gallopi…
No life in earth, or air, or sky; The sunbeams, broken silently, On the bared rocks around me lie,- Cold rocks with half-warmed lichen… And scales of moss; and scarce a y…
Here’s yer toy balloons! All size… Twenty cents for that. It rises Jest as quick as that ‘ere, Miss, Twice as big. Ye see it is Some more fancy. Make it square
(ON THE APPROACH OF SPRI… Oh, come, my beloved, from thy win… From thy home on the Yuba, thy ra… For the waters have fallen, the wi… And the river once more has return…
Coward of heroic size, In whose lazy muscles lies Strength we fear and yet despise; Savage,-whose relentless tusks Are content with acorn husks;
(A GEOLOGICAL ADDRESS) ‘Speak, O man, less recent! Fragm… Primal pioneer of pliocene formati… Hid in lowest drifts below the ear… Of volcanic tufa!
(REFUGIO MINE, NORTHER… Drunk and senseless in his place, Prone and sprawling on his face, More like brute than any man Alive or dead,
As I stand by the cross on the lo… Looking over the ultimate sea, In the gloom of the mountain a shi… And one sails away from the lea: One spreads its white wings on a f…
And you are the poet, and so you w… Something—what is it?—a theme, a f… Something or other the Muse won’t… To your old poetical necromancy; Why, one half you poets—you can’t…