Ben Jonson

On Don Surly

Don Surly, to aspire the glorious name
   Of a great man, and to be thought the same,
Makes serious use of all great trade he know.
   He speaks to men with a Rhinocerotes’ nose,
Which he thinks great; and so reads verses too,
   And that is done as he saw great men do.
He has timpanies of business in his face,
   And can forget men’s names with a great grace.
He will both argue and discourse in oaths,
   Both which are great: and laugh at ill-made clothes;
That’s greater yet: to cry his own up neat.
   He doth, at meals, alone his pheasant eat,
Which is main greatness; and at his still board
   He drinks to no man: that’s, too, like a lord.
He keeps another’s wife, which is a spice
   Of solemn greatness. And he dares, at dice,
Blaspheme God greatly, or some poor hind beat
   That breathes in his dog’s way: and this is great.
Nay more, for greatness’ sake, he will be one
   May hear my epigrams, but like of none,
Surly, use other arts; these only can
   Style thee a most great fool, but no great man.

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