The dance of fear, Of not being enough, Stops and starts. The unknown, an Uncharted sea,
Last night I dreamt that I floated above the clouds, above the earth and my heart
I remember your smile, your laugh,… you gave so freely. It’s hard that you are gone. I sigh and walk along the bay.
Cool breeze rustles through the tr… drifting into my open door and leads me to the window to see leaves falling with abandon. Highlights of red and gold lace
First snow of the season Came down light and gay, With it’s bright white, Reflecting, Off slow moving clouds
The white snow, thin Like sand, over The fields, blowing Across the road. My car rambles
Itchy eyes scaly feet achy joints and bad teeth hair so fine
In the still night In the silence, My soul begs, My mind to rest. It’s story told
Time is going by fast, Trying not to live in the past, To keep priorities straight And not falter at the gate. To join the universal goal
In the blink of an eye It’s a different scene On the big movie screen So easy to get absorbed In the story line of time.
Old friends walking on the beach, the waves bring in, memories, of carefree days;
When I sit And watch The in and out Of breath, Thoughts no longer
Today, I wish the pain to go, the fatigue that I fight so. This process of aging is unkind and yet, the law of nature is a fast lane of change.
In the noble purpose of my life, In the clear and quiet chamber Of my soul, In the open and warm cave Of my heart,
Red cardinal dancing On white snow, How regal you appear With your cloak of red, How it cheers my heart