For Bede
For my love of 36 years
Oh hummingbird Where are you now? Have you taken My courage with you? Oh hummingbird
My heart is a good heart, It beats strongly And works hard, To keep me alive. My mind is a good mind,
Time is going by fast, Trying not to live in the past, To keep priorities straight And not falter at the gate. To join the universal goal
Soft gray clouds pass slowly by, Soon they will release a gift of r… Trees are shedding their leaves As they turn red, orange and yello… Signaling the squirrels to collect…
The white snow, thin Like sand, over The fields, blowing Across the road. My car rambles
When I sit And watch The in and out Of breath, Thoughts no longer
Walking on the beach of long ago, the constant roll of the gulf, it’s sound, like a lullaby.
You may not know what you’ll do next: Hit the open road With your thumb stuck out. Give up all you own
Autumn wind Brings scattered leaves, Splattered, With red and gold. Autumn wind
The red cardinal high in a tree, caught my attention with his melodious chirp on my daily walk.
The hummingbirds are buzzing As well as the bees. The Orioles land gingerly On top of the feeder. Cautiously they move down
I heard past generations In my son’s voice, I saw his life fly Into another dimension, A place, I can only imagine.
The birds flock to the bird feeder, some with black, capped heads and others with
The wind went through me, it carried the yellow, orange and red leaves lightly on the air. Another change is coming,
In the blink of an eye It’s a different scene On the big movie screen So easy to get absorbed In the story line of time.