Amber Leigh

In the End

Not everyone who’s living is living to the fullest
Not everyone knows how to live, so their mind becomes the dullest
If life constructs you obstacles, fight or flight kicks in
Most of us give up cause the stressors are tormenting
No one’s life is perfect, and no one’s completely sane
Since minds exist for individual survival, our selfishness will reign
No matter who vents their sorrows, it’s significance seems so small
Compared to our own lives sometimes we may not care at all
Enduring things that trouble us make us forget how to be kind,
so if someone we meet is fortunate we curse and deny them blind
Blinded by the anger, the hate, and jealousy we feel;
to bring others down because we don’t know how to deal
To hate is easier than to love, but we want to be adored,
so how will we compromise if not everyone’s on board?
Together or alone, we have our lives to live,
so whatever comes your way, I hope you’ll know how to figure it.
We all depend on someone, whether it’s another or yourself,
so learn to stay positive and somehow it’ll all work out.
Other works by Amber Leigh...
