Dear Innocent, At a certain time in your life, yo… The love all of the fairytales spo… The man who sweeps you off of your… A man who will sacrifice everythin…
Maybe that’s why you could never l… But said again, maybe you were jus…
The first time I saw you, you loo… But as I got to know you in those… I realized you were the complete o… You’re headstrong and brave and co… As those hours came to a close, yo…
Why is it that the people we want,… It’s as if our mind is wired to do… We set ourselves up for disaster b… But it never is, is it? So my question is why.
Everyone is afraid of something. We are afraid of Love. To give ourselves completely is a… Yet, we also search for Love. It’s like a drug,
They all asked me if all I really… out of all the wealth in the world… or the countless stars I could so… My answer is yes. Out of all those things,
His touch is like electricity, and his voice can calm a thousand… Every time I see him, I can’t help but stare. As bad as this is,
I find it so peculiar, the idea of someone loving you des… How can one’s love be that strong? Imagine the strength you must have… How completely bonkers it is.
There comes a moment in our lives… We know that they are something el… They are a whole new adventure. They make you question things and… They are like your own personal kr…
I can’t ever explain how he makes… It’s like as if whenever he comes… When I’m with him, everything fin… And I’m absolutely in love. I’m in love with him and everythin…
I hope you know I’ll be here wait… Waiting for the day we meet. Waiting for the moment we realize… Waiting for the time you’ll go dow… I know I’m impatient, but I promi…
Movies always portray the wrong pe… People can see the evil inside the… But in real life, How do we decide who is wrong and… When the wrong person looks like a…
I use to hope that one day, you’ll… We’d talk about everything that ha… And every yet to come But now, I know that’s not exactl… Because you’re no longer mine
If there’s one thing I’ve learned… It’s that we all have so much love… and no one to give it to. The person we can’t take our eyes… looks right through us.
There’s that one person who we will never forget. We’ll walk down the street and see… And as much as that person ripped… I don’t think we could ever really…