Sometimes we don’t know the right… Maybe the right choice isn’t the p… Maybe the guy who plays it safe is… Maybe the right guy is full of lif… Maybe the right guy is the most da…
I think that was the worst part I dreamt about you last night I told you I loved you And you said you loved me since th… But when I woke
I can’t ever explain how he makes… It’s like as if whenever he comes… When I’m with him, everything fin… And I’m absolutely in love. I’m in love with him and everythin…
Why is it that the people we want,… It’s as if our mind is wired to do… We set ourselves up for disaster b… But it never is, is it? So my question is why.
I find it so peculiar, the idea of someone loving you des… How can one’s love be that strong? Imagine the strength you must have… How completely bonkers it is.
When I was young, I never realize… I never knew what his reoccurring… I never knew why he was so focused… But now that I’ve been where he w… I understand.
Dear Innocent, At a certain time in your life, yo… The love all of the fairytales spo… The man who sweeps you off of your… A man who will sacrifice everythin…
They all asked me if all I really… out of all the wealth in the world… or the countless stars I could so… My answer is yes. Out of all those things,
“Love, It makes the world go roun… In junior high, love is heard to b… In high school, you get a taste, o… how it breaks you; how it can mend you;
The tide has come. Some say it purifies the shore, Others say it brings destruction. You’re my destructive tide, Wrecking every bone in my body.
I always heard of those times when… I thought it only happened in the… But seeing him today, smiling with… I knew what it felt like. Because for a little while, time f…
His eyes were the eyes you got los… His lips were the lips that parted… He was the one that was so close b… As I grew to know him, I realized… I realized at night, his eyes cons…
I remember everything. I remember our conversations that… I remember your smile when you wou… I remember the night you kissed me… I remember you wouldn’t let me go.
Movies always portray the wrong pe… People can see the evil inside the… But in real life, How do we decide who is wrong and… When the wrong person looks like a…
This place is made up of hallways… Teachers who think their class is… And people who really seem more li… Hundreds of lessons getting cramme… Making it harder to even think thr…