#Americans #Women
THERE is no Rachel any more And so it does not really matter. Leah alone is left, and she Goes her own way inscrutably. Soft-eyed she goes, content to sca…
MY garden walks were smooth and g… And edged with box trees left and… An old grey sun-dial stood between Two rounded bee hives, low and whi… My hollyhocks grew tall and red,
A wind rose in the night, (She had always feared it so!) Sorrow plucked at my heart And I could not help but go. Softly I went and stood
SOMETIMES when I am at tea wi… I catch my breath At a thought that is old as the wo… And more bitter than death. It is that the spoon that you just…
I SHEATH my sword. In mercy go… Turn back from me your hopeless ey… For in them all my anger dies: I cannot face a beaten foe. My cause was just, the fight was s…
Kenton and Deborah, Michael and… These are fine children as all the… But into my arms in my dreams ever… Come Peter and Christopher, Fait… Kenton is tropical, Rose is pure…
I’M glad I have but a little hear… For my heart is very small’ It makes it free to come and go And no one cares at all. I give my heart for a tender word,
WHEN a storm comes up at night a… When the trees are moaning like ma… I wake in fear and put out my hand… With your name on my lips. No pain that the heart can hold is…
I know you are too dear to stay; You are so exquisitely sweet: My lonely house will thrill some d… To echoes of your eager feet. I hold your words within my heart,
MICHAEL walks in autumn leaves Rustling leaves and fading grasses… And his little music-box Tinkles faintly as he passes. It’s a gay and jaunty tune
IF I had loved you, soon, ah, soo… Had I been kind you had kissed me… The kiss that I would not give is… Now you are mine forever, because… You think that you are free and ha…
WHY don’t you go back to the sea,… I am not one who would hold you; The sea is the woman you really lo… So let hers be the arms that fold… Your bright blue eyes are sailor’s…
ALL my life I have loved where I… And always those whom I did not l… Only the God who made my wild hea… Why this should be. Oh, I am strange, inscrutable, an…
IF I had a lover, now, who would… Yourself with your laughter, your… Yet I’d know when you kissed me y… But kneeling in tears at a lost la… Or if I should seek him who loves…
I HAVE a harp of many strings But two are enough for me: One is for love and one for death; And what would the third one be? Before I learn another note