Alfred Austin

A Birthday Present

‘'Say what, to please you, you would have me be.’
Then listen, dear!
I fain would have you very fair to see,
And sweet to hear.
‘You should have Aphrodite’s form and face,
With Dian’s tread;
And something of Minerva’s lofty grace
Should crown your head.
‘Summer should wander in your voice, and Spring
Gleam in your gaze,
And pure thoughts ripen in your heart that bring
Calm Autumn days.
’Yours should be winning ways that make Love live,
And ne’er grow old,
With ever something yet more sweet to give,
Which you withhold.
‘You should have generous hopes that can beguile
Life’s doubts and fears,
And, ever waiting on your April smile,
The gift of tears.
‘You should be close to us as earth and sea,
And yet as far
As Heaven itself. In sooth, I’d have you be
Just what you are.’
Other works by Alfred Austin...
