But our Great Turks in wit must r… And ill can bear a Brother on the… II Wit is like faith by such warm Fo… Who to be saved by one, must damn…
She said: the pitying audience mel… But Fate and Jove had stopp’d the… In vain Thalestris with reproach… For who can move when fair Belind… Not half so fix’d the Trojan coul…
As some fond virgin, whom her moth… Drags from the town to wholesome c… Just when she learns to roll a mel… And hear a spark, yet think no dan… From the dear man unwillingly she…
Of all the causes which conspire t… Man’s erring judgment, and misguid… What the weak head with strongest… Is pride, the never—failing vice o… Whatever Nature has in worth deni…
What beck’ning ghost, along the mo… Invites my steps, and points to yo… 'Tis she!—but why that bleeding bo… Why dimly gleams the visionary swo… Oh ever beauteous, ever friendly!…
In these deep solitudes and awful… Where heav’nly-pensive contemplati… And ever-musing melancholy reigns; What means this tumult in a vestal… Why rove my thoughts beyond this l…
Tho’ Artemisia talks, by fits, Of councils, classics, fathers, wi… Reads Malbranche, Boyle, and Loc… Yet in some things methinks she fa… 'Twere well if she would pare her…
Women ben full of Ragerie, Yet swinken not sans secresie. Thilke Moral shall ye understond, From Schoole—boy’s Tale of fayre… Which to the Fennes hath him beta…
Fain would my Muse the flow’ry Tr… And humble glories of the youthful… Where opening Roses breathing swe… And soft Carnations show’r their… Where Lilies smile in virgin robe…
'Tis strange, the miser should his… To gain those riches he can ne’er… Is it less strange, the prodigal s… His wealth to purchase what he ne’… Not for himself he sees, or hears,…
Heav’n from all creatures hides th… All but the page prescrib’d, their… From brutes what men, from men wha… Or who could suffer being here bel… The lamb thy riot dooms to bleed t…
Thou art my God, sole object of m… Not for the hope of endless joys a… Nor for the fear of endless pains… Which they who love thee not must… For me, and such as me, thou deign…
So when Curll’s Stomach the stron… (Infus’d in Vengenance of insulte… Th’ Avenger sees, with a delighte… His long Jaws open, and his Colou… And while his Guts the keen Emeti…
Ye nymphs of Solyma! begin the so… To heavenly themes sublimer strain… The mossy fountains, and the sylva… The dreams of Pindus, and the Aon… Delight no more —O thou, my voice…
Ye Lords and Commons, Men of Wit… And Pleasure about Town; Read this ere you translate one B… Of Books of high Renown. Beware of Latin Authors all!