My mind has three sections Front Middle And Back And Back is important
Get up To the world Its happy If you make it that way Your loved ones
The beginning is coming here Where we used to play Sometimes we would laugh Or walk all day Then our feet would rise from the…
Work hard to Love her and Yourself Don’t be concerned With every body else
Death come for all us All of us alike... So why are we concerned With color and height?
I punched a wall Then a built a house. I stepped on an ant. Then I saved a mouse. I cussed at my love
Sound in my unwritten cloud Tangled and dripping turned Upside down. And the movement from creation Is glowing westward bond
Sniff Sniff I’m really high Sniff Sniff Just to get by Drip Drip
Can start with Difference Everything, you go with Same Do gets This but What remains.... Truth, do not wait
Back in the day Before I knew The way I would have gotten mad At what you
Filling in the gaps Not completing the spots Laying in the Earth And thinking a lot I shout up to Heaven
Love is hard and makes us weak... So why is it so important for us t…
I was once walking down Pasture lane when crows flew over… Then I thought of subtle rain Pouring over the dead.... And golden sunsets bless this visi…
I can keep going Because we’re here to stand It’s all the same And we make plans Thank you
I feel it everywhere But yet I only care How I’m getting there That’s mine and They have theirs