That is an old poem Written by Aldo Kraas
I will be home for summer And you people That miss me Will be able to see me again Because I was away
My worthless song Is good for nothing But I keep trying it any way Because inside of me There is a voice that is telling m…
Niger Cozier It is too bad That my Father Made a Niger Like you
Nothing can hold us down People I am not you slave So don’t treat me like a slave I have freedom in my life Also don’t remove the freedom
I will never walk alone Because I have my father That walks with me first thing In the morning Before it gets too hot
I can feel it The beautiful wind that is Blowing on my face Yes the wind is Cooling my face
I believe I will die In peace some day And If God calls me I will be ready for him I don’t have good health anymore
Knock on wood I am sleeping just fine Knock on wood I can cook for myself And the food that I cook is not f…
Take a load of Aldo My father I been Carrying a heavy load Full of my problems That I keep Putting it of
Deep in December Is time to have A white Christmas So that the kids can make Snowman
We are trapped In a no win situation And we are all blacks Buying joints from The drug dealers in the street
People like you Can’t live without people In your life It would be very lonely also Please understand that you also
Women when I needed you the Most you wore there Every day Taking care of me Women I am old now
How do you want Your life to be Do you want To be a Christian Also black people
Father We all need Our peace of mind Because we are very Stressed out