We have the power to do whatever we want.
We can change life as we know it, fix our homeless problem, make sure EVERYBODY has food to eat and make sure everyone had a place they can call home.
The first step is doing away with ego. This is one of the biggest problems humans have, ego is the leading cause of blindness in the world. Once we can put down our guards and let people in, and treat them with respect and know they are too family because she/he isn’t better then you, or less then you. They are you.
2. Reality, Yes we can change our own reality and once you master step one, step two becomes very easy.
Most people would say, “You can’t change reality, are you high? These people who think that hasn’t reached that level of ”One” (We are all one) we are each other. Reality is only what you make real, if you call a color red they that color becomes red, but if you would have called that color blue then your reality would make you believe that color is in fact blue. We can make anything a reality by just the way we think. If you say, “I would love if the world would give everyone a home, but the reality is that won’t happen.” The only reason That won’t happen is because we have tough ourselves how not to care, and even started to believe that things like food and shelter are things we have to earn, and the only way you can earn it is through money. Now why is that? No other living thing on this Earth thinks like that. No other animals are homeless or without. If we all started to use our hearts and let the little small word in called Love come into play, we wouldn’t have people without. The ego is already gone nothing is stopping you anymore; this makes your reality changed. You and everyone now believe that in reality no one should go without.
These few small steps would change the world forever. We would stop wars, Stop racism, stop world hunger and really anything.
However, we need to start with step "One” (We are all one)
Once your mind can break that easy code, the ego falls and a new beginning starts and that will change your reality.
~Just one of my random thoughts