Great-Heart is dead, they say,— Great-Heart the Teacher, Great-Heart the Joyous, Great-Heart the Fearless, Great-Heart the Martyr,
I saw one hanging on a tree, And O his face was sad to see,— Misery, misery me! There were berries red upon his he… And in his hands, and on his feet,
I have been tried, Tried in the fire, And I say this, As the result of dire distress, And tribulation sore—
We thank Thee, O our God, for th… Long fought-for, hoped-for, prayed… Thou dost cast down, and Thou upr… Thy hand doth order all our ways. Lift all our hearts to nobler life…
To stand— A dust-speck, facing the infinitud… Of Thine unfathomable dome, a nig… To stand full-face to Thy High M… Thy myriad worlds in solemn watchf…
Warp and Woof and Tangle,— Weavers of Webs are we. Living and dying—and mightier dead… For the shuttle, once sped, is spe… Weavers of Webs are we.
As sure as God’s in His Heaven, As sure as He stands for Right, As sure as the hun this wrong hath… So surely we win this fight! Then!-
O Exiled Hearts—for you, for you— Love still can find the way! Hear the voices of the women on th… O Shadowed Lives—for you, for you… Hope hath not lost her ray!
An Anticipation As sure as God’s in His Heaven, As sure as He stands for Right, As sure as the hun this wrong hath… So surely we win this fight!
Curly head, and laughing eyes,— Mischief that all blame defies. Cricket,—footer,—Eton-jacket,— Everlasting din and racket. Tennis,—boating,—socks and ties,—
An inconclusive peace!— A peace that would be no peace— Naught but a treacherous truce for… Of a later, greater, baser-still b… “No!”...
Not for one single day Can I discern my way, But this I surely know,— Who gives the day, Will show the way,
The good intent of God became the… And lived on earth—the Living Lov… That men might draw to closer touc… Since Christ in all the ways of m…
When the outer eye grows dim, Turns the inner eye to Him, Who makes darkness light. Fairer visions you may see, Live in nobler company,
Though the times be dark and drear… Though the way be long, Keep your spirits bright and cheer… —'Bide a wee, and dinna weary!’ Is a heartsome song.