You came in a dream
The way you looked
How you talked
A perfect soul
Every time I answer your call
Helped you
And made you grow
But just like a dream
You fade away
“My soul... Where did you go?”
I ask hurtfully
“Please come back to me...”
This mindless endeavor is not me
I cannot be
Make me whole
Make me anew
Not wanting to believe your gone
I fall...
Trying to find you again
Making the exact same things happen
When the night you came to me
You do not come to me...
“Dream... Why must you be such a dream?”
“I long for you... please...
... I am begging on my knees...
... Come back to me...”
Slowly life becomes more dull
People are just peons
The routines become too common
Try to reminisce
But nothing will be as sweet
As that soul
So now locked up
No more will
Awaiting for her
My perfect soul...