, by Aaron Burden
Swapna Madhuri

Stranger to your Swain

before we don’t know each other
and there is no chance even to see into each other eyes.
how did it happen?
how did we mad each other?
am astonishing still.
we are extreme strangers to Swain.
is that DESTINY plays a role?
before I don’t know even the meaning, but now I shower all my divinity on destiny.
We spoke a lot, though not much was really said.
we have also dynamics.
but sometimes Our souls can’t truly say that they’ve ever really met.
we are said to be soulmates because we are merged by the universe.
Have you truly tried to get to know me and my past or present insecurities?
Have you dug deep and tried understanding the real me?
Not just what I present to the world, or things you might have heard?
No. I don’t think you ever really knew me.
I’ll put my pride aside and accept things for what they truly are You can never force love; it has a force of its own.
And when two souls are meant to be, no doubt, both will know.
when they meet automatically our hearts getting melt.
our eyes are getting shiny.
and our hands embrace completely without giving any chance to enter the air.
because our love is a souvenir.

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