Sue Hess

All Aboard

And where the hell is Boise

I’m tired of this state that i live in
I’ve had
too many drunken brawls
with sober thoughts
too many wanton dreams
with pure intentions
I battle the demons while i pack my bags
for places now unknown
and still
the whore inside me begs for salvation
while  the angel in my head
says there is no Heaven and Hell
Only Detroit and St Louis
and their streets aren’t paved with gold
they are cemented with the blood and gore
of old policemen and peppered with
the tired bones of middle aged CPAs
Tight skinned socialites
in red spandex
decorate the corners
chasing the hookers into the churches
where they watch priests watch alter boys
and i ask myself
if there really is a heaven and hell
after all
could it maybe be in Portland
since i only have enough
for a ticket to Boise


my rather morose if there were any other

#Introspection #Life

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