Many could milk a cow or Learn how to milk a cow and Still obliterate to cluster the st… One take in milking a cow, Multiple could shoot a rifle in ev…
Everything can Be learned In this world Even prayer Can be taught
Deception is a great feeling for Those who it pleases to lie; But truth is sacred and the Continual of all lies.
I have read them enough to fill me With tenderness; to sigh a relief On my soul with heavenly mind, Because now i could sight them far… As they would lease pleasure to me…
A crooked faith with the deepest w… Immortality of conception about li… Weakest pace, slowest race. Illegible notes with an unclear ma… Although its more revelation, appr…
A full moon had shown tonight And its a dynamic of her own beaut… Her own smile and her own personal… What addition could tears bear whe… Feelings are idle and uncomprehend…
A destiny must do nothing but wand… In doubt of ones approval and jot, All that one as done and most of What one are yet to do; And surely stride will be exposed…
Publish a book Not pretense Share the words Not label Write your thoughts
I walk Through This pattern Because This is
When you light up My dreams brightens When you smile and pause My heart pause a beat When you cry
Is this life I seek Is this purity I recall Is this love I felt Is this death I ordered And If i could write them all,
It might be shit But that’s your own shit And it might be a hit From the park, And that will pose to be
For you to be reading this At this exact time Is not an honor It was meant to be.
As i have reached the town, The town which i thought never exi… The town; where two blocks are dro… The town; where more stoned-houses… And astonish sights of lands, lake…
Pretend to sleep tight and secretl… bare interest so if light will dec… aware and if the night will yawn w… are famously put to rest.