Now what is Love, I pray thee, te… It is that fountain and that well Where pleasure and repentance dwel… It is, perhaps, the sauncing bell That tolls all into heaven or hell…
Fortune hath taken thee away, my l… My life’s soul and my soul’s heave… Fortune hath taken thee away, my p… My only light and my true fancy’s… Fortune hath taken all away from m…
When I am safely laid away, Out of work and out of play, Sheltered by the kindly ground From the world of sight and sound, One or two of those I leave
If Cynthia be a queen, a princess… Keep these among the rest, or say… For those that like, expound, and… Meanings according as their minds… For writing what thou art, or show…
As you came from the holy land of Walsinghame Met you not with my true love By the way as you came? How shall I know your true love
Our great work, the Otia Merseian… Edited by learned Mister Sampson, And supported by Professor Woodwa… Is financed by numerous Bogus Mee… Hastily convened by Kuno Meyer
I was a Poet! But I did not know it, Neither did my Mother, Nor my Sister nor my Brother. The Rich were not aware of it;
Prais’d be Diana’s fair and harml… Prais’d be the dews wherewith she… Prais’d be her beams, the glory of… Prais’d be her power by which all… Prais’d be her nymphs with whom sh…
If all the world and love were you… And truth in every Shepherd’s ton… These pretty pleasures might me mo… To live with thee, and be thy love… Time drives the flocks from field…
Give me my scallop shell of quiet, My staff of faith to walk upon, My scrip of joy, immortal diet, My bottle of salvation, My gown of glory, hope’s true gage…
Your dog is not a dog of grace; He does not wag the tail or beg; He bit Miss Dickson in the face; He bit a Bailie in the leg. What tragic choices such a dog
Even such is time, which takes in… Our youth, our joys, and all we ha… And pays us but with age and dust, Who in the dark and silent grave When we have wandered all our ways
WRONG not, sweet empress of my h… The merit of true passion, With thinking that he feels no sma… That sues for no compassion. Silence in love bewrays more woe
Go, soul, the body’s guest, Upon a thankless errand; Fear not to touch the best; The truth shall be thy warrant. Go, since I needs must die,