The lonely sunsets flare forlorn Down valleys dreadly desolate; The lordly mountains soar in scorn As still as death, as stern as fat… The lonely sunsets flame and die;
I wanted the gold, and I sought i… I scrabbled and mucked like a slav… Was it famine or scurvy—I fought… I hurled my youth into a grave. I wanted the gold, and I got it—
There where the mighty mountains b… There where the sullen sun-dogs gl… And the glacier-glutted streams sw… There where the livid tundras keep… There where the silences are spawn…
The waves have a story to tell me, As I lie on the lonely beach; Chanting aloft in the pine—tops, The wind has a lesson to teach; But the stars sing an anthem of gl…
This is the law of the Yukon, and… “Send not your foolish and feeble;… Strong for the red rage of battle;… Send me men girt for the combat, m… Swift as the panther in triumph, f…
This is the song of the parson’s s… On the wild, weird nights, when th… And it’s sixty below, and couched… “I’m one of the Arctic brotherhoo… I came with the first—O God! how…
Have you gazed on naked grandeur w… Set pieces and drop—curtain scenes… Big mountains heaved to heaven, wh… Black canyons where the rapids rip… Have you swept the visioned valley…
Ye who know the Lone Trail fain w… Though it lead to glory or the dar… Ye who take the Lone Trail, bid y… The Lone Trail, the Lone Trail f… The trails of the world be countle…
We sleep in the sleep of ages, the… The gray moss drapes us like sages… And deeper we clutch through the g… On the flanks of the storm—gored r… We surge in a host to the sullen c…
There’s a cry from out the lonelin… Do you hear it, do you fear it, yo… You’re a—sobbing in your sleep, de… Do you hear the Little Voices all… All a—begging me to leave you. Da…
When the long, long day is over, a… I hope that it won’t be hell—fire,… And I hope that it won’t be heave… All I want is just quiet, just to… Look at my face, toil—furrowed; lo…
If you’re up against a bruiser and… Grin. If you’re feeling pretty groggy, a… Grin. Don’t let him see you’re funking,…
A bunch of the boys were whooping… The kid that handles the music—box… Back of the bar, in a solo game, s… And watching his luck was his ligh… When out of the night, which was f…
There are strange things done in t… By the men who moil for gold; The Arctic trails have their secr… That would make your blood run col… The Northern Lights have seen que…
I haled me a woman from the street… Shameless, but, oh, so fair! I bade her sit in the model’s seat And I painted her sitting there. I hid all trace of her heart uncle…
I know a garden where the lilies g… And one who lingers in the sunshin… She is than white—stoled lily far… And oh, her eyes are heaven—lit wi… I know a garret, cold and dark and…
It’s fine to have a blow—out in a… With terrapin and canvas—back and… To enjoy the flowers and music, wa… Smoke a choice cigar, and sip the… It’s bully in a high—toned joint t…
One said: Thy life is thine to ma… To flicker feebly, or to soar, a s… It lies with thee—the choice is th… To hit the ties or drive thy auto—… I answered Her: The choice is min…
There’s A race of men that don’t… A race that can’t stay still; So they break the hearts of kith a… And they roam the world at will. They range the field and they rove…
O’er the dark pines she sees the s… And in the west, all tremulous, a… And soothing sweet she hears the m… Of cow—bells jangled in the fields… Quite listless, for her daily sten…
There’s a four—pronged buck a—swin… And it roamed the velvet valley ti… But I tracked it by the river, an… And I killed it on the mountain m… Now I’ve had my lazy supper, and…
This is the pay—day up at the mine… There’s money to burn in the stree… With a haggard face and a ribband… And I know at the dawn she’ll com… One for herself, to drown her sham…
When a man gits on his uppers in a… An’ he ain’t got nothin’ comin’ an… An’ he’s in a fix for lodgin’ an’… An’ you’d fancy he’d been boozin’,… When he’s feelin’ sneakin’ sorry a…
If you leave the gloom of London… Where all except the flag is stran… There’s a bronzed and stalwart fel… And greet you with a welcome warm… For he’s your younger brother, the…
The cruel war was over—oh, the tri… We watched the troops returning, t… There was triumph, triumph, triump… And you scarce could hear the musi… And you scarce could see the house…
A Life Tragedy A pistol shot rings round and roun… In pitiful defeat a warrior lies. A last defiance to dark Death is… A last wild challenge shocks the s…
An angel was tired of heaven, as h… His halo was tilted sideways, and… So the Master stooped in His pity… For the space of a moon, to the ea… He doffed his celestial garments,…
We couldn’t sit and study for the… The stagnation of a bank we couldn… For our riot blood was surging, an… To excitements and excesses that a… So we took to wine and drink and o…
It’s cruel cold on the water—front… Only the black tide weltering, onl… And I, alone, like a storm—tossed… Shuffling along in the icy wind, g… They’re playing a tune in McGuffy…
Say! You’ve struck a heap of trou… Bust in business, lost your wife; No one cares a cent about you, You don’t care a cent for life; Hard luck has of hope bereft you,
There was a woman, and she was wis… She was old, so old, yet her years… And she knew by heart, from finish… There is no hope for such as I on… Unloved I live, unloved I die, un…
’Twas a year ago and the moon was… (Oh, I remember so well, so well)… I walked with my love in a sea of… And the voice of my sweet was a si… And sudden the moon grew strangely…
Can you recall, dear comrade, when… And we sang the old, old Earth—so… When we drank and fought and luste… Along the road to Anywhere, the w… Along the road to Anywhere, when…
We’ve finished up the filthy war; We’ve won what we were fighting fo… (Or have we? I don’t know). But anyway I have my wish: I’m back upon the old Boul’ Mich’…