Robert Graves

Neglectful Edward


‘Edward back from the Indian Sea,
What have you brought for Nancy?’


‘A rope of pearls and a gold earring,
And a bird of the East that will not sing.
A carven tooth, a box with a key—’


‘God be praised you are back,’ says she,
‘Have you nothing more for your Nancy?’


‘Long as I sailed the Indian Sea
I gathered all for your fancy:
Toys and silk and jewels I bring,
And a bird of the East that will not sing:
What more can you want, dear girl, from me?’


‘God be praised you are back,’ said she,
‘Have you nothing better for Nancy?’


‘Safe and home from the Indian Sea,
And nothing to take your fancy?’


‘You can keep your pearls and your gold earring,
And your bird of the East that will not sing,
But, Ned, have you nothing more for me
Than heathenish gew—gaw toys?’ says she,
‘Have you nothing better for Nancy?’

Other works by Robert Graves...
