Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2. Polonius.
Modern version:
“You may wonder if the stars are fire, You may wonder if the sun moves across the sky. You may wonder if the truth is a liar, But never wonder if I love.”
#EnglishWriters #XVICentury #XVIICentury
So, now I have confessed that he… And I my self am mortgaged to thy… Myself I’ll forfeit, so that othe… Thou wilt restore to be my comfort… But thou wilt not, nor he will not…
My mistress’ eyes are nothing like… Coral is far more red than her lip… If snow be white, why then her bre… If hairs be wires, black wires gro… I have seen roses damasked, red an…
What potions have I drunk of Sire… Distilled from limbecks foul as he… Applying fears to hopes, and hopes… Still losing when I saw my self t… What wretched errors hath my heart…
WHEN to the Sessions of sweet si… I summon up remembrance of things… I sigh the lack of many a thing I… And with old woes new wail my dear… Then can I drown an eye, unused t…
Love is too young to know what con… Yet who knows not conscience is bo… Then, gentle cheater, urge not my… Lest guilty of my faults thy sweet… For, thou betraying me, I do betr…
That thou art blam’d shall not be… For slander’s mark was ever yet th… The ornament of beauty is suspect, A crow that flies in heaven’s swee… So thou be good, slander doth but…
What is your substance, whereof ar… That millions of strange shadows o… Since every one hath, every one, o… And you, but one, can every shadow… Describe Adonis, and the counterf…
Lo! in the orient when the graciou… Lifts up his burning head, each un… Doth homage to his new—appearing s… Serving with looks his sacred maje… And having climb’d the steep—up he…
When forty winters shall beseige t… And dig deep trenches in thy beaut… Thy youth’s proud livery, so gazed… Will be a tatter’d weed, of small… Then being ask’d where all thy bea…
But do thy worst to steal thyself… For term of life thou art assured… And life no longer than thy love w… For it depends upon that love of t… Then need I not to fear the worst…
What’s in the brain that ink may c… Which hath not figured to thee my… What’s new to speak, what now to r… That may express my love, or thy d… Nothing, sweet boy, but yet, like…
Thou art as tyrannous, so as thou… As those whose beauties proudly ma… For well thou know’st to my dear d… Thou art the fairest and most prec… Yet, in good faith, some say that…
O, how thy worth with manners may… When thou art all the better part… What can mine own praise to mine o… And what is’t but mine own when I… Even for this let us divided live,
As fast as thou shalt wane, so fas… In one of thine, from that which t… And that fresh blood which youngly… Thou mayst call thine when thou fr… Herein lives wisdom, beauty and in…
To me, fair friend, you never can… For as you were when first your ey… Such seems your beauty still. Thr… Have from the forests shook three… Three beauteous springs to yellow…