TRANSLATED FROM THE DAN… King Hafbur & King Siward They needs must stir up strife, All about the sweetling Signy Who was so fair a wife.
The Briarwood. The fateful slumber floats and flo… About the tangle of the rose; But lo! the fated hand and heart To rend the slumberous curse apart…
Come hither lads and hearken, for a tale there is to tell, Of the wonderful days a-coming, wh… shall be better than well. And the tale shall be told of a co…
Puellae. Whence comest thou, and whither go… Abide! abide! longer the shadows g… What hopest thou the dark to thee… Abide! abide! for we are happy her…
But, learning now that they would… She threw her wet hair backward fr… Her hand close to her mouth touchi… As though she had had there a sham… And feeling it shameful to feel ou…
TRANSLATED FROM THE DAN… Hellelil sitteth in bower there, None knows my grief but God alone… And seweth at the seam so fair, I never wail my sorrow to any othe…
It was Goldilocks woke up in the… At the first of the shearing of th… There stood his mother on the hear… And of new-leased wheat was little… There stood his sisters by the que…
The doomed ship drives on helpless… All that the mariners may do is do… And death is left for men to gaze… While side by side two friends sit… Friends once, foes once, and now b…
Pray but one prayer for me ’twixt… Think but one thought of me up in… The summer night waneth, the morni… Faint and grey ’twixt the leaves o… That are patiently waiting there f…
TRANSLATED FROM THE DAN… Agnes went through the meadows a-w… Fowl are a-singing. There stood the hill-man heed ther… Agnes, fair Agnes!
The Beasts that be In wood and waste, Now sit and see, Nor ride nor haste.
I am Day; I bring again Life and glory, Love and pain: Awake, arise! from death to death Through me the World’s tale quick…
Love is enough: draw near and beho… Ye who pass by the way to your res… And are full of the hope of the da… For the strong of the world have b… And my house is all wasted from th…
Our hands have met, our lips have… Our souls - who knows when the win… How light souls drift mid longings… If thou forget’st, can I forget The time that was not long ago?
I am Winter, that do keep Longing safe amidst of sleep: Who shall say if I were dead What should be remembered?