To drift with every passion till m… Is as a stringed lute on which all… Is it for this that I have given… Mine ancient wisdom and austere co… Methinks my life is a twice—writte…
Not that I love thy children, who… See nothing save their own unlovel… Whose minds know nothing, nothing… But that the roar of thy Democrac… Thy reigns of Terror, thy great A…
Set in this stormy Northern sea, Queen of these restless fields of… England! what shall men say of the… Before whose feet the worlds divid… The earth, a brittle globe of glas…
Milton! I think thy spirit hath p… From these white cliffs, and high-… This gorgeous fiery-coloured world… Seems fallen into ashes dull and g… And the age changed unto a mimic p…
Eagle of Austerlitz! where were t… When far away upon a barbarous str… In fight unequal, by an obscure ha… Fell the last scion of thy brood o… Poor boy! thou wilt not flaunt thy…
Christ, dost thou live indeed? or… Still straightened in their rock—h… And was thy Rising only dreamed b… Whose love of thee for all her sin… For here the air is horrid with me…
There was a time in Europe long a… When no man died for freedom anywh… But England’s lion leaping from i… Laid hands on the oppressor! it wa… While England could a great Repub…
Albeit nurtured in democracy, And liking best that state republi… Where every man is Kinglike and n… Is crowned above his fellows, yet… Spite of this modern fret for Lib…
This mighty empire hath but feet o… Of all its ancient chivalry and mi… Our little island is forsaken quit… Some enemy hath stolen its crown o… And from its hills that voice hath…
It is full summer now, the heart o… Not yet the sun—burnt reapers are… Upon the upland meadow where too s… Rich autumn time, the season’s usu… Will lend his hoarded gold to all…
Tread lightly, she is near Under the snow, Speak gently, she can hear The daisies grow. All her bright golden hair
I reached the Alps: the soul with… Italia, my Italia, at thy name: And when from out the mountain’s h… And saw the land for which my life… I laughed as one who some great pr…
See, I have climbed the mountain… Up to this holy house of God, Where once that Angel—Painter tro… Who saw the heavens opened wide, And throned upon the crescent moon
Was this His coming! I had hoped… A scene of wondrous glory, as was… Of some great God who in a rain o… Broke open bars and fell on Danae… Or a dread vision as when Semele
Italia! thou art fallen, though wi… Of battle—spears thy clamorous arm… From the north Alps to the Sicili… Ay! fallen, though the nations hai… Because rich gold in every town is…
I wandered through Scoglietto’s f… The oranges on each o’erhanging sp… Burned as bright lamps of gold to… Some startled bird with fluttering… Made snow of all the blossoms; at…
The corn has turned from grey to r… Since first my spirit wandered for… From the drear cities of the north… And to Italia’s mountains fled. And here I set my face towards ho…
Rome! what a scroll of History th… In the first days thy sword republ… Ruled the whole world for many an… Then of thy peoples thou wert crow… Till in thy streets the bearded G…
Nay, Lord, not thus! white lilies… Sad olive—groves, or silver—breast… Teach me more clearly of Thy life… Than terrors of red flame and thun… The hillside vines dear memories o…
The silver trumpets rang across th… The people knelt upon the ground w… And borne upon the necks of men I… Like some great God, the Holy Lo… Priest—like, he wore a robe more w…
Come down, O Christ, and help me!… For I am drowning in a stormier s… Than Simon on thy lake of Galilee… The wine of life is spilt upon the… My heart is as some famine—murdere…
I stood by the unvintageable sea Till the wet waves drenched face a… The long red fires of the dying da… Burned in the west; the wind piped… And to the land the clamorous gull…
A Lily—Girl, not made for this wo… With brown, soft hair close braide… And longing eyes half veiled by sl… Like bluest water seen through mis… Pale cheeks whereon no love hath l…
Where hast thou been since round t… The sons of God fought in that gr… Why dost thou walk our common eart… Hast thou forgotten that impassion… His purple galley, and his Tyrian…
This English Thames is holier far… Those harebells like a sudden flus… Breaking across the woodland, with… Of meadow—sweet and white anemone To fleck their blue waves,—God is…
The Thames nocturne of blue and g… Changed to a Harmony in grey: A barge with ochre—coloured hay Dropt from the wharf: and chill an… The yellow fog came creeping down
The little white clouds are racing… And the fields are strewn with the… The daffodil breaks under foot, an… Sways and swings as the thrush goe… A delicate odour is borne on the w…
To that gaunt House of Art which… Of all the great things men have s… The withered body of a girl was br… Dead ere the world’s glad youth ha… And seen by lonely Arabs lying hi…
The western wind is blowing fair Across the dark Ægean sea, And at the secret marble stair My Tyrian galley waits for thee. Come down! the purple sail is spre…
The apple trees are hung with gold… And birds are loud in Arcady, The sheep lie bleating in the fold… The wild goat runs across the wold… But yesterday his love he told,
My limbs are wasted with a flame, My feet are sore with travelling, For calling on my Lady’s name My lips have now forgot to sing. O Linnet in the wild—rose brake
A ring of gold and a milk—white do… Are goodly gifts for thee, And a hempen rope for your own lov… To hang upon a tree. For you a House of Ivory
He was a Grecian lad, who coming… With pulpy figs and wine from Sic… Stood at his galley’s prow, and le… Blow through his crisp brown curls… And holding wave and wind in boy’s…
The sea is flecked with bars of gr… The dull dead wind is out of tune, And like a withered leaf the moon Is blown across the stormy bay. Etched clear upon the pallid sand
To outer senses there is peace, A dreamy peace on either hand Deep silence in the shadowy land, Deep silence where the shadows cea… Save for a cry that echoes shrill
Rid of the world’s injustice, and… He rests at last beneath God’s ve… Taken from life when life and love… The youngest of the martyrs here i… Fair as Sebastian, and as early s…
O singer of Persephone! In the dim meadows desolate Dost thou remember Sicily? Still through the ivy flits the be… Where Amaryllis lies in state;
Her ivory hands on the ivory keys Strayed in a fitful fantasy, Like the silver gleam when the pop… Rustle their pale—leaves listlessl… Or the drifting foam of a restless…
I am weary of lying within the cha… When the knights are meeting in ma… Nay, go not thou to the red—roofed… Lest the hoofs of the war—horse tr… But I would not go where the Squi…
Seven stars in the still water, And seven in the sky; Seven sins on the King’s daughter… Deep in her soul to lie. Red roses are at her feet,
Oft have we trod the vales of Cas… And heard sweet notes of sylvan mu… From antique reeds to common folk… And often launched our bark upon t… Which the nine Muses hold in empe…
The Gods are dead: no longer do w… To grey—eyed Pallas crowns of oli… Demeter’s child no more hath tithe… And in the noon the careless sheph… For Pan is dead, and all the want…
Two crowned Kings, and One that s… With no green weight of laurels ro… But with sad eyes as one uncomfort… And wearied with man’s never-ceasi… For sins no bleating victim can at…
The sea was sapphire coloured, and… Burned like a heated opal through… We hoisted sail; the wind was blow… For the blue lands that to the eas… From the steep prow I marked with…
Like burnt—out torches by a sick m… Gaunt cypress—trees stand round th… Here doth the little night—owl mak… And the slight lizard show his jew… And, where the chaliced poppies fl…
The oleander on the wall Grows crimson in the dawning light… Though the grey shadows of the nig… Lie yet on Florence like a pall. The dew is bright upon the hill,
The silent room, the heavy creepin… The dead that travel fast, the ope… The murdered brother rising throug… The ghost’s white fingers on thy s… And then the lonely duel in the gl…
How vain and dull this common worl… To such a One as thou, who should… At Florence with Mirandola, or wa… Through the cool olives of the Ac… Thou should’st have gathered reeds…
I marvel not Bassanio was so bold To peril all he had upon the lead, Or that proud Aragon bent low his… Or that Morocco’s fiery heart gre… For in that gorgeous dress of beat…
In the lone tent, waiting for vict… She stands with eyes marred by the… Like some wan lily overdrenched wi… The clamorous clang of arms, the e… War’s ruin, and the wreck of chiva…
As one who poring on a Grecian ur… Scans the fair shapes some Attic… God with slim goddess, goodly man… And for their beauty’s sake is lot… And face the obvious day, must I…
Nay, let us walk from fire unto fi… From passionate pain to deadlier d… I am too young to live without des… Too young art thou to waste this s… Asking those idle questions which…
The sky is laced with fitful red, The circling mists and shadows fle… The dawn is rising from the sea, Like a white lady from her bed. And jagged brazen arrows fall
How steep the stairs within Kings… For exile—wearied feet as mine to… And O how salt and bitter is the… Which falls from this Hound’s tab… That I had died in the red ways o…
Is it thy will that I should wax… Barter my cloth of gold for hodden… And at thy pleasure weave that web… Whose brightest threads are each a… Is it thy will—Love that I love s…
Dear Heart I think the young impa… When first he takes from out the h… His God imprisoned in the Euchari… And eats the bread, and drinks the… Feels not such awful wonder as I…
As oftentimes the too resplendent… Hurries the pallid and reluctant m… Back to her sombre cave, ere she h… A single ballad from the nightinga… So doth thy Beauty make my lips t…
The wild bee reels from bough to b… With his furry coat and his gauzy… Now in a lily—cup, and now Setting a jacinth bell a—swing, In his wandering;
Within this restless, hurried, mod… We took our hearts’ full pleasure—… And now the white sails of our shi… And spent the lading of our argosy… Wherefore my cheeks before their t…
To stab my youth with desperate kn… This paltry age’s gaudy livery, To let each base hand filch my tre… To mesh my soul within a woman’s h… And be mere Fortune’s lackeyed gr…