I see no joyous rebirth in spring for autumn will bring another death I see no joyous rebirth
If I was once the tallest mountain your love was the wind that eroded me to nothing
Everyone sees god in a different light but I was born without eyes
I thought I could drink you away but I had to stop being so drunk on you first
I’ll keep searching for the meaning of life and I hope I find it as crumpled paper nearish a trash can
If nature were so flattered by poems written with itself in mind as people are we would be moving mountains
Everyday I visit the only writers block I know to hone my words and wit and help them cut deeper into the skin
Forever seems like so long until I think of all the times spent waiting
Just when I get back on my feet you pass on by and I lose my footing Again
I awoke in the dark next to you and more alone than ever I was amazed to hear your heart beating from
There is poetry in nature better left to be spoken wordlessly by the breeze
The pen must be mightier than the sword For there is nothing that will spill your guts faster than a bit of ink that says
Hope in another form but no fewer letters and I’ve been hoping for these past eight years so I’ll just keep on
There is something to be said of a true friend One who will pull the knife from your back One who will stitch the wounds
You were the wind beneath my wings but I was Icarus so all I did