Matthew Prior

Songs Set to Music: 15. Set by Mr. De Fesch

Farewell, Amynta, we must part;
The charm has lost its power
Which held so fast my captived heart
Until this fatal hour.
Hadst thou not thus my love abused,
And used me ne’er so ill,
Thy cruelty I had excused,
And I had loved thee still.
But know, my soul disdain’d thy sway,
And scorns thy charms and thee,
To which each fluttering coxcomb may
As welcome be as me.
Think in what perfect bliss you reign’d,
How loved before thy fall,
And now, alas! how much disdain’d
By me, and scorn’d by all.
Yet thinking of each happy hour,
Which I with thee have spent,
So robs my rage of all its power,
That I almost relent.
But pride will never let me bow;
No more thy charms can move;
Yet thou art worth my pity now,
Because thou hadst my love.
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