Mary Barber

To Mrs. Mary Caesar

I read in your delighted Face,
The Nuptial Bands are ty’d:
From me congratulate her Grace,
Young Portland’s lovely Bride.
Tell her, an humble, artless Muse
Would hail the happy Pair;
But that, like Flow’rs by deadly Dews,
Her Strains are damp’d by Care.
Those whom the tuneful Nine inspire,
Have now a spacious Field:
To them I must resign the Lyre,
To none in Wishes yield.
May Prudence still the Fair attend,
Who, with distinguish’d Taste,
In Caesar early chose a Friend,
With ev’ry Virtue grac’d:
Who back a thousand Years may trace,
And her Descent maintain,
From Ademar’s illustrious Race,
Ally’d to Charlemain.
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