Marc Donis

The gold diggers

The gold diggers
The home they are missing, so far – So away,
tree diggers are grabbing and wanted to stay,
now sitting they are and look to the shore,
that is the land, they were never before.
Burrow they deeper and deeper the trench,
each of the diggers is wearing a wrench,
digging by day – At night – and at rain,
each of the men feels the terrible pain.
Do the men know the hunger and thirst,
screams after days – In joyful – the first:
– “We did it, we did it! I think, we are bold,
Found I in earth the valuable gold!”
– “Aren’t we rich? I think, we are plucky,
hard skin on fingers, the hands are so mucky
and God – Thanks – now lift we the ore,
were here the days so hard and so sore.”
– “Yes, you are right, let’s lift now this stone,
offers he hope – We are now not alone,
Want I to touch it with bliss and desire,
look how it glows – He burns like a fire.”
– “Let me now think – It was not a vain,
wasted we nothing, deserved was the pain,
paid we the price with craving and sweat,
still, we alive despite storm and threat.”
Lies on the sand the gold, on the beach,
stroke and kiss and dance they on reach,
dance so the diggers around this rich find,
makes so the treasure the men stolid blind.
– “Listen, my friends, I have a request,
let’s be now happy – We revel as best,
my offer is easy, and I think at least,
let’s celebrate a wonderful feast.”
– “Yes – Good idea – Whatever you think,
this is the wine you never will drink,
you found the gold, I don’t really care,
this is a stone – We want not to share.
We don’t share this gold now with you,
listen, my friend, I say yet the true,
It were a shame to share it in threes,
you are a fool, breathe your last breeze...”
Pierces a knife the gold finder’s spine,
culprits are laughing and drinking the wine,
lies he on ground, the face is white pale,
whispers and groans the dying young male.
– “This is a sign for envy and greed,
fortune is killing – Truly – Indeed,
hope I so much, that you are be fine,
cause I put strychnine into the wine...”

Other works by Marc Donis...
