When I was a kid I thought that all the people in t… I thought that trust was a valid m… and that it was okay to believe in… it wasn’t really a big deal to me
She closes her lips before a breat… before they have a moment, a reaso… She sits down with a pen and paper… the only escape that she is allowe… She closes her eyes in the nightti…
If I would have had a mother I would have wanted to know that… when I got a cut on my knee or I… that I could always have found my… I would have wanted someone to tea…
I let a sigh escape from my lungs… 'Write a poem’ Okay. All right. I’ll write a poe… Yet I realize that the words I sp… and this is what breaks my illusio…
I hear others when they think I’m… They say I’m a fragile evolution… Solid and exquisite beneath my ski… I don’t believe them All I want is to be thin