Lance Nathan Conrad

An Endless Walk

to Marcy Howard

I wish, I could walk, for days;to my, mind’s destination,
And maybe, this heart, would come along;through happiness’s, hesitation,
The walk, would begin, along a stream;lined with trees, clad, in green,
And I, wouldn’t, walk, this trail alone;there would be someone, walking, with me.
Fragrances and sights;under, a cloudless sky,
As love, walks along;and lives, inside, these eyes,
Over obstacles, through shallow streams;across, the many miles,
Amazed, by, the coutryside;transported, by a smile.
Food, would not, be needed;only, the person, by your side,
And with, each footstep taken;a heart, no longer, denied,
While, this walk, lives, in a dream;it still, will always be,
With our, first steps, you began;an endless walk, with me.



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